We need to read more books

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Dr Denise Taylor

27 June 2020


A very apt lesson on why we should read lots of books – source unknown

Once there a was great teacher who had many students.

Once one of the students came to him and asked “I have read lots of books but forgotten most of them. What’s the purpose of reading?”.

The teacher didn’t give him an answer at that time.

After a few days the teacher gave the student a sieve which was dirty and in a very bad condition.

The teacher asked the student to fetch water from a nearby river in this sieve.

The student didn’t like the idea but he could not refuse his teacher.

He went to the river, filled the sieve at the river and started his return journey.

As he walks, all the water in the sieve drained through holes.

Then again he went to the river and filled the sieve.

He did this all day but could not complete the task assigned by his teacher.

He returned to the teacher with a sad face said “ I am unable to fetch water with this sieve. I am failed “

His teacher smiled at him.

No! You didn’t fail.

Look at the sieve.

It has become like new. It got clean when you were trying to fetch water.

The teacher then explained the true motive behind this task.

He said “ Last time you asked me what is the purpose of reading if you don’t remember what you read. Now take this example of the sieve.

Sieve = Mind

Water = Knowledge

River = Book

Even if you can’t remember its ok!

But reading will definitely make your mind sharp. “

Reading has a profound impact on our mind, and our brain .

It helps to be a better version of yourself.

This is a subconscious process.


This resonated with me. Studying for my doctorate I read a lot of books and academic papers and I don’t understand much of what I read – I need to read, again and again. This helps me to realise that this is all good for me, and may be helpful for you too.

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