The Power of Solitude: A Professional’s Guide to Purposeful Alone Time

In our hyper-connected professional world, where “always-on” culture dominates and collaboration is celebrated as the pinnacle of productivity, I’ve noticed an interesting paradox: we’re spending more time physically alone than ever, yet rarely experiencing true solitude. As a psychologist studying human behaviour and wellbeing, I’ve found this distinction crucial for both personal development and professional […]
4 months into the year, what new things have you learned?

Realising we are now a third of the way into the year I thought this would be a good time to reflect on the year to date. In particular on what is it that you have learned and how have you have developed yourself? I’m now on Substack. I only started writing 4 weeks ago […]
A message from our future self

Whatever age you are today; imagine you are 20 years into the future. You have learned a lot over these past 20 years and you are going to write a letter, or write a song to the person you are today. Imagine to have this gift of wisdom from the future … What would you […]
Spring Clean our lives – part 2

Yesterday I wrote about the Fresh Start effect, and letting go of things. Let’s think today on what you want more of • Better relationships • A more satisfying career • More time just to be, so you get off the hamster wheel If I take the first area today, Better Relationships, I can signpost […]
Spring Clean our lives – Part 1

Back at the turn of the year I wrote on how I don’t believe in, or set new year resolutions. But Spring … this is different. So much new life out in nature, The traditional time for a spring clean So is now a good time to spring clean your wider life? What is it […]
From Hotel Hassles to Career Choices: Deciphering Life’s Options

There is so much choice, and it can be so hard to decide. I’m travelling in a couple of weeks and will have 3 nights on my own after my adventure – more on that another time. It’s been so hard to make a choice over where to stay. Until yesterday I had 3 hotels […]
Time for a day of rest

Hi, it’s Dr Denise. I’ve spent most of the weekend at the wood and that was because there’s woodland management tasks that needs doing. I’ve got the chainsaw helmet because we’ve been busy sawing and I need to be safe. But also, because I’ve decided I need to spend much less time on my computer. […]
Make 2024 a more meaningful and positive year

I always think January 1st is the worst time to make resolutions, this is the time when we should be slowing down. Plenty of time in Spring to make plans. Maybe 2024 is the year we should be kind. Rather than focus on all the things we will achieve as a sign of success, what […]
Review of the year 2023

I have done something similar to this for over 10 years. I find it a helpful discipline to get into. It allows me to see how much I have achieved, especially how I have overcome obstacles rather than to concentrate on all the things yet to do. Perhaps you will find it helpful to do similar? […]
Dealing with regrets

In my forthcoming book, and with clients, I ask the reader to imagine life aged 90, or 25 years into the future and to consider any regrets as they look back over their life. I’ve been reviewing what people have said and I thought now would be a good time to share. I didn’t include […]