Time for a day of rest

Hi, it’s Dr Denise. I’ve spent most of the weekend at the wood and that was because there’s woodland management tasks that needs doing. I’ve got the chainsaw helmet because we’ve been busy sawing and I need to be safe. But also, because I’ve decided I need to spend much less time on my computer. […]
Dealing with regrets

In my forthcoming book, and with clients, I ask the reader to imagine life aged 90, or 25 years into the future and to consider any regrets as they look back over their life. I’ve been reviewing what people have said and I thought now would be a good time to share. I didn’t include […]
The vision quest – being a guide

I’m co-leading a Vision Quest, but this is nothing like a typical training course. I’m a Vision Quest Guide, supporting those who have been called to undertake a vision quest, sometimes known as a wilderness fast. This is not an easy option for people. It takes strength and courage. They have fears. And they have […]
The Importance of Optimism

Hi, it’s Dr. Denise Taylor here for another one of my Tales from the Wood. Today I want to talk about why you need to be optimistic. And if you’re not now, maybe today you need to start. From the research I’ve been reading about, it can make so much difference. People who have negative […]
Should we enjoy our work?

The key message from this video: And so rather than struggling at work being bored. Feeling that we hate the work. Maybe it’s looking for a colleague, maybe if you’re a bit older, thinking about a younger member of staff, they would like nothing better to do some of the things so that you could […]