Valuing Change

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Dr Denise Taylor

6 August 2024


Sometimes you need to take a step back, to realise that you need some time to reflect on what is important, hence this article could be seen as overdue. Or that it has come at the right time; it is inspired by recent events!

There has been a lot of change in my life. Sometimes it is exciting, when it is in line with my energy and values, but sometimes too much change can be overwhelming.

First there is my Amazing People Website

What started as some small revisions is now a full rebuild. We are starting afresh; I’m rethinking the content and making sure it is easier for people to follow. Starting with a clean sheet has helped me to only include what needs to be there. My web designer is now on holiday so I’ve got some breathing space, but it is an exciting time.


Approaching my birthday, I’ve focused on vitality rather than weight loss, but that has been a pleasing side effect. Making healthy choices and focusing on movement, I’ve also cut right back on drinking Pepsi max (which has stopped my sugar cravings) and make sure to have at least one meal which is full of colour and to embrace the feeling of hunger.

I’ve lost weight and feel more alive.

Linked to this is my decision not to wear my apple watch I’ve had one for 5 years, (same one so I’ve had my moneys worth!) and I was always happy with the buzzes to let me know of messages and how it was easy to accept and decline phone calls. But I was getting obsessed on my move goal and step goal and pottering around my home was mounting up the steps but this wasn’t proper active movement. Now I focus on how much walking I’ve done, and have I had time at the gym or swimming pool, and with more activity at home. I do squats onto a blanket box and have some dumbbells to use each time I walk past the bathroom – just a few each time is a bit of fun.

And I’m taking action to stay calm, to do things that fulfil me and to take myself away from places where I feel tense, stressed or anxious. Peace is one of my values that I need to ensure I have in all aspects of my life.

Personal stuff

Changes happening here, and what is driving these changes is clarity on my values.  When we are really clear on our most important values, and who we are things begin to fall into place.

And it got me thinking …

It got me thinking about people. People who are thinking about a change in their life. How often do you really ensure that your values are met? We can sometimes feel like these are nice to haves, but when your values are met, work doesn’t feel like work and relationships can glide.

So often we go through life making small changes, minor adjustments, and that can be good. But not when you want a significant change. It gets messy.

Let’s use the example of changing careers, whether this be in mid-career, or with retirement and thinking of something different.

Change of Career

Let’s imagine you want a change of career and you start playing around with the achievement bullets of your career history, to revise your CV but could it be done differently?

What if instead you started again?

Be clear on the job you seek and make sure that you only include aspects of your career history that fit with your new direction.

Think carefully about each of your past jobs, what is relevant? And include only things that are.  Some of the detail may not have appeared on your previous CV so you are looking at things with fresh eyes.

You need to tell the story for where you are going, not where you have been.

You can think about the words you use, there may be a better word that sums you up.

What are the key details other people need to know? We know people spend less time reading, they want to know quickly whether it is worth their time to read on so make the most powerful comments first.

It’s not just your CV it’s probably also your LinkedIn profile and anywhere else you share details about yourself such as your bio. I’m going to be making changes in all of these.

And a review of values

Do you know which are important to you? Here’s a link to an interesting free measure.

Let me talk you through some values that are important to me, and why.

Do you value authenticity?

This is so important to me, more so as I’ve got older. I need to be my true self, and to not be swayed by other things. I’m truthful and will stand up for the person I am, as well as the person who lacks a voice and needs support.

Is Independence important?

I’ve been doing my own thing for years. Remembering back to my 20s, on a residential course in Chesterfield and I wanted to go and see The Clash in Sheffield. No one else did so I went alone. The following day no one could believe I had done this but I preferred to go alone than miss out.

And I still like doing my own thing, I prefer to go to gigs and other events alone so I don’t have to compromise and can spend however long I want to on something and leave when I want.

And is Peace important to you?

This is a new value that has climbed my values tree. I spend a lot of time out in nature and love the peace I gain there. I need more quiet time at home, I rarely have the radio on while I’m working and I’m now paying less attention to the news. I do have a subscription to The Times Newspaper but once it goes back up to full price I’ll cancel. I don’t need regular updates.

Focusing on peace is taking me away from things that cause me stress and tension, be it people or situations.

People can find it strange how I need quiet time and peace and then go to loud gigs, but at a gig it is me and the music, and once I’ve had enough, I leave. It was going on a retreat a couple of months ago that helped me recognise just how important this was to me.


These are my top three values, but what about you. What are your must haves with work, in your personal life … it does make decisions easier when you have your own framework.


I’ve enjoyed writing this article, it is meaningful to me and provides some useful things for you to consider.


Next Steps for You

I decided to make it fun and active, Will you do all or one of these ideas? Or something else?

Mini Outdoor Adventure

Take a 30-minute walk or bike ride in nature. Leave your phone behind or on silent to fully embrace the peace and tranquility of your surroundings. This can help you feel refreshed and reflect on your personal values.

Create a Vision Board

Spend 15-20 minutes gathering images, quotes, and words that represent your values and goals. Use a piece of paper, a bulletin board, or a digital tool like Pinterest. This visual reminder can keep you focused on your values.

Gratitude Journal Session

Take 15 minutes to start a gratitude journal. Write down three things you are grateful for each day, focusing on positive changes and values in your life. This quick activity can boost your mood and help you stay aligned with your values.

Creative Writing Exercise

Spend 20 minutes writing a short story or a poem that reflects your core values. It can be a fun and introspective way to express yourself and think deeply about what is important to you.


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