What Will Our Future Self Tell Us?

What will your life be like at 80? This is one of the questions I ask my clients as we explore later life and make plans for retirement. I help people imagine their future, encouraging them to step into the years ahead and consider what truly matters. We can do it at any age, do […]
A Psychologist’s Guide to Managing Overwhelm in Today’s Workplace

Overwhelm! The last three months have been hectic. I had to take action so I didn’t go under. Only now can I look back and review what I did. I can give thanks to some actions I took to prioritise myself. An example of wisdom from age. To say no is a complete answer. Professional […]
Growing Through Discomfort: The Secret to Vibrant Ageing

As I prepare for my upcoming tracking expedition in South Africa, I’ve been reflecting on a concept central to my research on positive ageing – what I call ‘productive discomfort’. This sweet spot between comfort and overwhelming challenge holds the key to continued growth in later life. Throughout my time researching retirement transitions, I’ve observed […]
Valuing Change

Sometimes you need to take a step back, to realise that you need some time to reflect on what is important, hence this article could be seen as overdue. Or that it has come at the right time; it is inspired by recent events! There has been a lot of change in my life. Sometimes […]
4 months into the year, what new things have you learned?

Realising we are now a third of the way into the year I thought this would be a good time to reflect on the year to date. In particular on what is it that you have learned and how have you have developed yourself? I’m now on Substack. I only started writing 4 weeks ago […]
Spring Clean our lives – part 2

Yesterday I wrote about the Fresh Start effect, and letting go of things. Let’s think today on what you want more of • Better relationships • A more satisfying career • More time just to be, so you get off the hamster wheel If I take the first area today, Better Relationships, I can signpost […]
Spring Clean our lives – Part 1

Back at the turn of the year I wrote on how I don’t believe in, or set new year resolutions. But Spring … this is different. So much new life out in nature, The traditional time for a spring clean So is now a good time to spring clean your wider life? What is it […]
Authentically you

Some times you come across a video or a story that makes you stop, think and reflect on its meaning to you. This is a link to one – authentically you, from Reflections of Life. Are you tired of constantly criticizing yourself and feeling limited in your own life? Imagine hearing stories from five different […]

Social media encourages us to show our ‘best selves’ and to hid the less positive side of us. But it is so hard to pretend long time. Sometimes we need to accept that at times we may be feeling a bit sad, a bit low. And at other times brimming with excitement and joy. All […]
Let’s focus on the good things

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