A Psychologist’s Guide to Managing Overwhelm in Today’s Workplace

Overwhelm! The last three months have been hectic. I had to take action so I didn’t go under. Only now can I look back and review what I did. I can give thanks to some actions I took to prioritise myself. An example of wisdom from age. To say no is a complete answer. Professional […]

A message from our future self

Whatever age you are today; imagine you are 20 years into the future. You have learned a lot over these past 20 years and you are going to write a letter, or write a song to the person you are today. Imagine to have this gift of wisdom from the future … What would you […]

Why It’s Worth Hiring Yourself an Office Space

The traditional concept of work and office space has evolved significantly in recent years, with many professionals and businesses reevaluating their approach to work environments. While remote work and flexible options have become increasingly popular, there are compelling reasons why hiring yourself an office space may still be an excellent choice. In this article, we’ll […]

Where are you heading?

I was reading a job ad. It sounded really interesting, and you can work from home. But would I really want to return to full-time working? I love the flexibility of working for myself. After a successful career with Royal Mail, I started self-employment in 1997. Back then it was a good way to manage […]

3 Benefits To Look For During Your Job Hunt

When looking for a new job, you might often think about whether you’re the right candidate. You could think about your experience or the tasks you need to do. There might even be a slight pressure on some qualifications. But how often do you ask yourself if the job fits you and your well-being? Even […]

Work beyond retirement: Unlocking the potential of an ageing workforce

Work after retirement The over 60s will comprise 25% of the population in the next 25 years and if you are 65 today you have a 25% chance of still being alive aged 90. The old-style traditional retirement has now changed, with many people delaying retirement or returning to the workforce after retiring from their […]

What CEOs Can Do To Stay Ahead Of The Curve And Adapt In A Fast-Paced Corporate Landscape

The business landscape is always changing, with new products and services released regularly and technology offering innovative new ways for companies to deliver their services. However, today’s corporate world is perhaps more fast-paced than ever before. Recent events, including the pandemic, the resulting move towards remote work, the current global financial crisis, and other political […]

Welcome to the last 3 months of 2022

A week ago I was travelling back from Mexico, a long and arduous journey with the worst bit taking almost the full 3 hours to transit through LA. I’d been to Modern Elder Academy, at Baja, California Sur, Mexico. Learning about ancient wisdom but also plenty of time just to be. I wrote about one […]

Half way through the year – Time for reflection

Back on 1st January you probably set some goals, how are you doing? We sometimes have good intentions for what we want to do – to get the promotion, learn a language, lose weight, sort out the clutter …. But we don’t always get things done Perhaps you needed to make the goals SMARTER? I’ve written […]

Turning points and transitions

Retirement is a major transition, but it is not the first one we have had … through life we have reached turning points and transitions.  In this article I want to cover the turning points you will have encountered. I’ll continue next time with more on transitions. Sometimes these transitions are connected to our career, […]