Valuing Change

Sometimes you need to take a step back, to realise that you need some time to reflect on what is important, hence this article could be seen as overdue. Or that it has come at the right time; it is inspired by recent events! There has been a lot of change in my life. Sometimes […]
Understanding Values

Why did you accept your latest job? Was it based on high salary, promotion prospects, and location? Sometimes we will draw up a list of what we want in a job but not everyone considers their values. Understanding our values holds significant importance. I’ll suggest ways to assess and delve deeper into this concept. You […]
Learning from regrets

Throughout life we have regrets. Some of them are for things we did do, and others for things we never did. I recently did an online training session with Dan Pink where he spoke about his research: The World Regret Survey, and book – The Power of Regret. The global research identified the top four […]
How authentic do you want to be?
How authentic do you want to be? If you’ve been following my blog posts, you know I’ve been writing about my need to be true to the person I am. One of my top values is authenticity. I’ve written about bring true to ourselves at work: Be You. Also on how I want to write […]
Christmas – time for a technology holiday?

As you get ready for the break from work, and for many this will be for a couple of weeks, I’d like you to think about taking a holiday from technology. Rosabeth Moss Kanter wrote a great article in the Harvard Business Review – The Imperfect balance between work and life. She writes that we […]