Sharing the Valentines Love

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Dr Denise Taylor

14 February 2016


Sharing the Valentines Love

When I see all the ads for Valentine cards, meals and presents my mind always thinks of all those people who aren’t in a loving relationship at the moment. Just like Mother’s Day reminds me of all those who were never able to have a child, or who, like me don’t have a relationship with their children (if you don’t know I was in an emotionally abusive relationship and I’m estranged from my children).
So let’s look beyond the close relationships and be thankful of all the people we are connected to.

Let’s look to appreciate the people we know. To tell them we appreciate them and share something that we love about them. The way they are there for us, or make us laugh or make great recommendations.

If we all did this to a couple of people over the coming days, how great will the impact be on people’s mental well-being?

And with the people we are taking for granted, or we know so well we are more likely to see the negative points … lt’s do less moaning about what they don’t do and more about what they do. The more we tell them about their great qualities the more they will display these and the less we will be affected by these negative aspects. We can see these are quirks of who they are.

40 Days – 40 items

I don’t give things up for lent, nor make new year resolutions, but something caught my eye on Facebook.

It’s to take a bin bag and every day to take an item of clothing that you no longer wear or need and put it in the bag. Then at the end of the 40 days to take this bag to a charity shop so they can be used by someone who will appreciate them.

I’ve already got three things in my bag and I’m also going to look beyond my clothes to other items that are still in good quality but no longer right for me. Care to join me in this?

How’s your love for your job?

I want you to love your job and be happy in your life. If your Sundays are full of dread for the week ahead or you realise you have been chasing the money or someone else’s dream, it’s time for us to talk. Feel free to get in touch to schedule your complimentary 15-minute discussion so we can see if I can help.
And if you know what you want to do but you aren’t getting shortlisted then I can help with CV reviews, LinkedIn makeovers, Interview coaching and more.


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