Ostara – The Spring Equinox – A Time for Seeking Clarity

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Dr Denise Taylor

20 March 2021


The seasons change, we are moving into Spring. Lighter mornings and evenings; in both town and country we see daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses, some blossom on the thorn bushes (never am sure if it is blackthorn or hawthorn) and buds beginning to emerge on branches.

The night of March 21/22 is the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara. This is when night and day are in balance – equal length of dark and light. When the natural world comes alive. The first day of Spring is a time of hope.

This is noted as a time when we acknowledge both the grief and joy from within us. And reflecting and accepting can help soothe us.

An important transition in nature, and also for us too. We may want to plan everything we do as lock down eases, to rush back into old lives. Meeting outdoors in a group of 6 will certainly be something to look forward to, but as with nature, it is best to take our time. To be like a new shoot and slowly appear and adjust to our new world. There will be more change to come. As we see what is happening in the world, we can transition in a way that is right for us.

Now is a good time to begin our plans for the coming 3 months. How do we want to be? I’ve written previously about journaling. This doesn’t have to be a daily activity, but you can learn a lot if it does become a habit.  

Perhaps you could take out a notebook and make a note of your plans up till the summer solstice. Is there anything you would like to do? With relationships, with health and fitness, with how you relate to the natural world, with your work?

This could also be the time to acknowledge grief and sadness, for things lost, things that will never be and perhaps around relationships that have not satisfactorily concluded?

You don’t need to rush, be like nature and take your time and listen to the voice within you. Give some space for your new shoots to grow. And make a note of any thoughts.

Should you want some support with thoughts and ideas for this next part of your life why not schedule a session with me?



For a limited time, I’m offering 30 minute sessions to talk together on any aspect of your life. It could be career, relationships, wider life … think of me as a wise elder who will help you make sense of a situation or create a plan for what you will do next.  Book and pay via this link

(Subscribers use the link in todays newsletter for a reduced price).


1st Image by Benny1900 from Pixabay

2nd Image by Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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