Do we need all our possessions?
When we travel – do we travel light?
We spend a lifetime collecting possessions. Our homes are full of beautiful things. Our wardrobes bursting with clothes. Shelves full of things to read and listen to.
Do we think these validate who we are? Do we want to be with people who are only impressed by the things we own?
These possessions can hold us back. Stop us doing things.
A wise man said to me – the size of the pack you carry when camping is a reflection of the karma you carry within.
Wow. That gave me something to think about.
I’ve moved from a 4-bedroom house to a 2-bed flat, and I would probably be fine in something smaller. It was easy to get rid of possessions. But still too much. Still two filing cabinets in the garage that haven’t been opened for a year. Still excess clothes in vacuum packs under the bed. I’ll be emptying them soon. I’m not going to look too closely, if I haven’t needed to look before, why look now?
These are the obvious things that we carry about.
But there are also the things we carry within.
Resentments, disappointments, envy, sadness. Frustration, fear, grief. Shame, doubt, overwhelm. And more.
How well does it serve us to keep them with us?
How much space could be filled for growth and wisdom if we could let some of these things go.
What is stopping you?
What holds you back?
Is NOW the time to say goodbye?
Begin to notice.
Notice the things that serve you, and the things that don’t serve you.
It could be looking at the shelf and pulling out a dozen books or CDs to take to the charity shop.
But it could also be to notice a feeling or characteristic within. I’ve listed a few above, and there are many more.
Pay attention.
Notice the feelings you have.
Ask yourself if this is something that serves you. And if not, can you let it go?
Imagine the lightness to let something go.
You want this image to be stronger, brighter, clearer. So that it supports you in moving on.
I’m with you. I want you to feel the calmness of letting things go.
… let me know how you get on.