10 Things to Make This Your "Best Summer Ever"
Wouldn't you love to have the best Summer ever?
- Allow yourself 5-10 minutes of quiet time to write your answers in the spaces below.
- If you get stuck, think back to your childhood or a summer when you had a great time. What were you doing – or not doing? Top tip: If your ideas seem overly simple – it's a good sign.
- Life too busy? Find small things you CAN do e.g. a 20-minute walk after dinner, a weekend away instead of a vacation, organize dinner with friends on a restaurant patio if you're too tired to cook.
- Need more ideas? Read a book, go rock-climbing/white-water rafting/kayaking, visit friends/family, go to the beach, go fishing, meet new people, do something new, create a veggie bed, plant a fruit tree, play outdoor games, have a picnic, get out in nature or something completely different!
- AND Remember: Your best summer ever may be all about what you DON'T do…
1) List below the Top 10 things that would Make THIS your BEST SUMMER EVER:
Imagine the sun is shining. You're relaxed, happy, can't help but smile and are at peace with yourself and the world. If this IS your best summer ever, what are you doing and what's going on in your life?
2) Now write below 3 actions that will move you closer to YOUR BEST SUMMER EVER:
Your actions can be as big or small as you like, but must be easily do-able.
Action ideas: Want to try new things? Try reading a book about it, doing online research or booking a course. Want to be more social? Start contacting people and making arrangements. Want more alone-time or to relax, block out space in the diary – now.
1st Action – something you can do Now! (right away or by the end of today) _____________________________
2nd Action ____________________________________________ By when ________________ (this week)
3rd Action ____________________________________________ By when ________________ (this month)