I love my job – wouldn’t it be wierd to be a career coach who didn’t but I do know of some. One of the reasons I love my job is that I help people who have no idea what they want to do, find out more about who they are and identify a satisfying career.
I’ve just had my final meeting with one of my mid to late twenties clients – I get a lot of clients in this age range – they either went to university but are not happy with the decision they made or have yet to work out what it is that they want to do.
This is what is so satisfying about this age group – they are young and often fun, lots of zest for life but need help in working out what to do. My Gold Career Programme is perfect for them as it helps them to take an holistic perspective to their lives and we can work out their strengths, what’s important to them and they get lots of support to help them get there.
I’ve also started working with a number of mums to be, I wrote about them yesterday and they are also a delight to work with.
I don’t think there are any down sides to my job apart from possibly working too hard as it doesn’t seem like work. There’s also the bit of my personality that makes me want to try and help people who I don’t think are a good fit with me – I’m getting better at spotting these and sugesting they choose someone else.