MBTI – Choose a report to learn more about your personal style


Dr Denise Taylor

23 February 2017


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular measure of personal style. Whilst there are free versions (similar to the official MBTI assessment) available, they are not as detailed as the official paid for service, and you need to pay to receive a detailed report. But which MBTI report? There are so many to choose from. This practical article provides an overview of each MBTI report.

Any personal assessment is more than a quiz in a popular magazine. Your answers should be the start, to a conversation, with a trained professional. The MBTI is a very popular assessment to learn about who you are.
We can’t just accept what the report says. We need to seek more depth.
If you have answered questions that say you like to be well prepared, how does this help, and when does it not help? If you measure on the MBTI assessment as an ‘extravert’ how does this show itself in your working life, is there a difference in your non-work life. How can your boss bring out the best in you? Lots of areas to consider.
This is the benefit of having a feedback discussion alongside the MBTI report.

You can read more of my MBTI services here. You can also read a blog post on personality here.

What I wanted to cover this time is the wide range of MBTI reports available to meet client needs. Which MBTI report will be most helpful for you?

With the MBTI step 1 you have these 12 options for your report:

1. MBTI Profile Report

This is a 3 page report and due to the brief nature I will always suggest choosing the Interpretive Report. Read more here: Sample report

2. MBTI Profile – College Edition

This is a 2 page report  and due to the brief nature I will always suggest choosing the Interpretive Report, College Edition. Read more here: Sample report

3. MBTI Interpretive Report

This is a 6 page report that provides a full page description of your particular type. It also takes another page to go through the two mental processes. It’s my suggested first MBTI Profile report. Read more here: Sample report

4. MBTI Interpretive Report – College Edition

This is also a 6 page report, and aimed at young people attending school or  university. With this version you get a detailed page with some key descriptors and 6 paragraphs. It’s covering the same info but in a different format. This report also looks at your most and least preferred preference out of Sensing/Intuition and Thinking/Feeling. Read more here: Sample report

5. MBTI Career Report

This 10 page report is focused on careers that suit your personality. It describes your preferred work tasks and helps you understand how your type affects your career exploration along with your career development. It makes suggestions for careers for you to explore, which can be an interesting start. however, I always caution people that many people can be successful in careers which don’t match their personality style as they take a different approach that also works. Read more here: Sample report

6. MBTI Interpretive Report for Organizations

This is a 10 page report that focuses on your work style within an organisation, including communication and problem solving. Read more here: Sample report

I suggest these 6 reports as add-ons to the Interpretive report

7. MBTI Communication Style Report

This is a 10 page report that helps you to understand your natural communication style. You don’t get the broader detail contained in the profile or interpretive report so I usually suggest that this is bought as a further report for people who want to learn more about this aspect of their personal style. Read more here: Communication Style Report

8. MBTI Decision Making Style Report

This 9 page report helps you to understand more about Decision Making. You learn about how the different preferences interact with decision making, and describes in bullet form your strengths and potential challenges alongside some suggestions for enhacing your decision making. You get a page outlining different questions you could ask to help make good decsions, some will come easier than others.  Theres some great type sof the 4 type lenses to get additional insight with more tips and action steps. Read more here: Decision-Making Style Report

9. MBTI Conflict Style Report

This 11 page report is helpful if you want to learn more about how you approach and deal with conflict situations. It is complimentary to the TKI Conflict assessment, and many people choose to take both.  What I like about this particular report is that you will read a full page about your own conflict style. It then covers the conflict-pairs within yourself and also with others. The report also covers the Conflict Management Model – Create space, Add value, Seek closure. There are then suggfestions to help you to develop your conflict management style and to deal with other conflict styles.  Read more here: Conflict Style Report

10. MBTI Stress Management Report

This 9 page report provides some detail on your particular type but the main detail is on stress. It can be a helpful report to choose to understand likely signs of stress, and to understand how stress can affect others. We don’t always expereince it the same way. I like the section on how your stress personality is triggered and your best and worst ways to handle stress, how others can best support you and how to learn from your stress reactions. Read more here: Stress Management Report

11. MBTI Report for Healthcare Professionals

This 11 page report helps doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants and clinical staff to improve all aspects of their communication. It helps you to become aware of how your individual personality type preferences impact on the style of care you give. This awareness gives you access to a whole range of other styles of interaction with patients—and small, deliberate changes in care style can have a profound impact on patients’ perceptions of and satisfaction with the care they receive.
The report highlights what comes naturally to you, as well as areas where you need to stretch or flex your style. Included are specific recommendations for how you can flex your particular care style to increase patients’ satisfaction, which you can do by being open to alternative ways of interacting related to your opposite preferences. Most of these recommendations will add only a few minutes to your time with patients.
You get a clear description of your MBTI type and then you get the specifcs on how you are likely to relate to others in different situations. I like the way it suggests what comes natural to you and why you might like to flex and use a different style. The final page also makes some suggestions of dealing with stress. Read more here: Report for Healthcare Professionals

If you can’t choose between MBTI reports, aim for this one which covers: Communication, Decision Making, Conflict and Stress.

12. MBTI Personal Impact Report (26 pages)

This is a detailed 26 page MBTI report, very thorough and helpful for understanding yourself in work and in your personal life. The MBTI report says that you can use it to

  • Improve communication and teamwork as you gain awareness of the personality differences you see in others
  • Work more effectively with those who may approach problems and decisions very differently than you do
  • Navigate your work and personal relationships with more insight and effectiveness
  • Understand your preferences for learning and work environments and the activities and work you most enjoy doing
  • More successfully manage the everyday conflicts and stresses that work and life may bring

More detail is provided on the different preference pairs and there is a short overview of your type, alongside the opposite type. You are guided how to move from the reported MBTI type (what the report says) to your ‘best fit’ type. You can read summaries of all 16 options to help you make your choice. If at this point your best fit type is different we can get a second version of the MBTI report created for you.
From Page 11 the report describes your Work Style, Communication Style, Team Style and Decsion Making Style. It also covers your Leadership Style, Conflict Style, how stress impacts you, your approach to change. Read more here: Sample report
To go ahead and order one of the first 4 reports you can use this link

MBTI Step 1 with
30 minute discussion
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 To add on any of the other reports please get in touch.



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