How confident are you?

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Dr Denise Taylor

13 June 2014


To many of us lack confidence. For success in life and our career we need to be confident. Lack of confidence holds us back leading to frustration and more.

Too many people treat confidence as part of their personality that can’t be changed. This is not true. Anyone can learn to be more confident. Read on for an exercise to help improve your confidence.
If you would like to improve your confidence here’s the link to get a 5 module confidence e-course.

Confidence eCourse


How to become more optimistic and why this is important

An optimist sees the good in everyday life and minimizes the negative aspects, whereas a person who thinks pessimistically minimises positive daily events and focuses on the negative aspects only.
There is research to suggest that optimism and pessimism are affected by an individual’s genetic make-up. However, there is other research that suggests it is the environment that dictates how we think. Whether our genes play a part or not everyone can increase their optimism.
Think about growing up – did those around you tend to see life in a negative or a positive way – were they optimistic or pessimistic?

If your parents were optimists or pessimists how do you think their thinking style affected you?
There is now a body of evidence that supports the idea that it is in our interests to become more optimistic. For example, studies have shown that optimists live longer (up to 9 years), achieve more, suffer from less depression and recover more quickly from illness.

Here is Lesson 1 from Module 2


 Exercise: Optimistic and pessimistic situations

Name three people you feel optimistic around and state why?
Identify three recent situations where you have felt optimistic and state why?
Name three people you feel pessimistic around and state why?
Identify three recent situations where you have felt pessimistic and state why?
 Can you spot any patterns forming?
For example
Are you optimistic with certain friends but pessimistic with your family?
Do you find yourself thinking the worst will happen at work or when you are travelling but feel better around the house?
Pessimism is tiring and drains you of your energy. The good news is that pessimistic thinking can be changed. Changing your thinking style is perfectly possible if you are prepared to put in some time and effort.

How to improve your ability to be an optimist – Three Good Things A Day

For the next two weeks make a list of three good things that have happened to you at the end of each day.
Once you have identified these events write down why you feel good about that particular event?


Event 1

 A child smiled at me when I was on the bus home
What is it about this event that feels good?
I was reminded that there are simple joys in life
Event 2

 I dealt with a call to a difficult customer today better than I thought I would
 What is it about this event that feels good?
I was pleased with the way I was able to stay calmer than usual – I am really improving
Event 3

My friend rang me to ask me to go to a concert with her
What is it about this event that feels good?
It feels good to know that she was thinking about me

Now your go …

Day One
Event 1
What is it about this event that feels good?
Event 2
What is it about this event that feels good?
Event 3
What is it about this event that feels good?

Now that you have completed this exercise:

How has it made you feel?
What have you learned?
Optimists think like this nearly all of the time and do not realise that this is what they do. You too can develop the benefits of optimism if you continue to undertake this exercise until you can do it without consciously thinking about.
Lesson two will help you build on your new thinking skills by helping you change the way you perceive what it happening.

Love this? Many, many more exercises if you take the Learn How to Be Confident eCourse

or success in life and our career we need to be confident, lack of confidence holds us back leading to frustration and more. – See more at:
For success in life and our career we need to be confident, lack of confidence holds us back leading to frustration and more. – See more at:
For success in life and our career we need to be confident, lack of confidence holds us back leading to frustration and more. – See more at:


If you would like to improve your confidence here’s the link to get a 5 module confidence e-course.

Confidence eCourse

This e-course is on special offer at £27, it will then revert to the list price of £47



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