Understanding and Supporting Introverts: A Guide for Everyone

Introduction: Introversion vs. Extroversion People have different ways of interacting with their environment and recharging their energy. As a psychologist I’ll often discuss personality and this includes around the continuum of introversion and extroversion. Understanding the difference is helpful to create better relationships and creating more inclusive social and professional environments. Let’s start with a […]
Being happy as an introvert

People are different, different personality styles, different interests. And we can sometimes want to step outside our comfort zone. I am happy with stronger introvert qualities, I like the way that I’m happy with my own company and enjoy being lost in my own thoughts but sometimes I enjoy parties, and being sociable, but not […]
Learning from regrets

Throughout life we have regrets. Some of them are for things we did do, and others for things we never did. I recently did an online training session with Dan Pink where he spoke about his research: The World Regret Survey, and book – The Power of Regret. The global research identified the top four […]
Character Strengths

At all ages we can learn much from going deeper inside, to understand more about the person we are. This can be through a personality assessment, values exercise and more. Something I’ve been reminded of recently is Character Strengths. There are 24 character strengths that we all possess, in varying degrees. What is interesting is […]
Can you be your authentic self?

Hi, it’s Denise. Not sure I’m looking at my best today, down the woods, as I tend to do, and it’s raining, but at least I’ve got my poncho. And it’s just stopped raining which is why I decided to start filming. Transcript And I’m interested in the question “who am I?” and “who […]

Reviewing some of the academic papers I downloaded around the method I used for my independent research I came across one that looked at the burnout amongst private practitioner psychotherapists. I can relate, I was an inhouse counsellor back in the 1980s, still in my 20s we didn’t have supervision and the weight of taking […]
Personality Don’t rush – take your time

Recently back from a holiday and I got thinking about people’s approach to travel to the airport. I allow masses of time. I want to get through passport control and take time to relax. I usually book an airport lounge so I can have a couple of drinks and some food. Things normally work well, […]
I used to be obsessive

Back when the Lord Of The Rings films were out, I saw The Two Towers over 10 times, think it was 13, and bought every bit of memorabilia I could find on eBay. But that was then. Now … I’ve got more interests and I don’t want to just have one focus. I have friends […]
Can’t work in a coffee shop

I can’t work in a coffee shop – I find it too loud to work I know this is meant to be the life for people who work from home, working from a coffee shop, but I can’t work in a coffee shop it is not working for me. I’m not only more introverted […]
When you feel low – 7 tips to help you feel better

WHEN YOU FEEL LOW At times we can feel low, it can be work or something in our personal life and it’s making us focus on what’s wrong and what we want to change rather than to appreciate the good. None of us will be upbeat all the time, and for most of us these […]