Replying to job ads – key advice

Replying to job ads – generally, there are 2 ways that people reply to job ads. Mainly they will pull out highlights from their background and send a generic cover letter to all job applications. The other way when replying to job ads is to take a diligent approach to showing how well you match […]

Making a career transition into a new career, advice from the career coach

Had an email from a client who is finding it hard to make the transition. I’ve said to him:     Knowing your ideal job is great. Looking for a job in this field involves   1 – applying for jobs you see advertised 2- Using contacts, and approaching companies direct to make your own opportunity. […]

Looking for a job – you must take a smart approach

Again I read about somebody who is taking a scatter gum approach to job search. In The Times there was a quote from a man whose 24 year old son is applying for about 30 jobs most days. He is scouring local papers and the Internet and sending off his well presented CV and then […]

The default option (or the perils of being comfortable)

I don’t like my internet provider, I know there is something better out there and I get very frustrated whenever I need to talk with them, thankfully hardly ever. So why do I stay? Like most things, it’s a faff to move and the pain and hassle of moving outweighs the pain of staying so […]

It's hard to get a job

I wonder if people like me make it sound too easy to get another job, just do what we say and you’ll be at the top of the list for getting a great new job. Recent TV programmes such as The Fairy Job mother and Who Knows Best: Getting a Job make it look simple […]