Looking for a job – you must take a smart approach

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Dr Denise Taylor

23 November 2010


Again I read about somebody who is taking a scatter gum approach to job search. In The Times there was a quote from a man whose 24 year old son is applying for about 30 jobs most days. He is scouring local papers and the Internet and sending off his well presented CV and then waits for replies that never come.
Nobody can send off properly targeted CVs taking this approach. They need to ensure they have done the research and have carefully demonstrated how their background matches with the requirements of the job.
I understand why people think that sending off 150 in a week (not quite sure how they find that many to apply for) means that one will hit the spot. But take a step back and be realistic. Wouldn’t you be better placed to be a sniper? To find maybe 1 job a day and to create the very best application you can? But also to get out there and meet people as people are more likely to get a job being proactive than waiting to be shortlisted.
Can I help? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. My book, how to get a job in a recession was produced as a low cost support system to guide you in these challenging times.


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