Newsletter: 9 April 2016

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Dr Denise Taylor

9 April 2016


This is going out to my 2,956 subscribers today, join my mailing list to get it sent to your inbox each week.

Good morning,
I’m tired. It’s been a busy week and after 3 days of dance classes I was at a dance last night (dancing to the Hot Fingers Trio) and today I’m at an afternoon of classes and another dance this evening.

I used to be the person who would keep going – I grew up doing Jane Fonda aerobics ‘feel the burn!’ and felt there was something virtuous about working longer and harder than anyone else. It’s all part of my upbringing, both my sister and I have a tendency to this and it was something we saw with our parents.

I like the reminder to stop and rest. Yesterday I created the main article for this newsletter but decided to sit and watch a TV programme (Madam Secretary) before going out rather than work on this. We are so much more than people who do and rest is as important as work.

But you are working on a Saturday you may say? For me Saturday is often a working day, when I don’t have things planned I’ll be seeing clients, or spending a couple of hours creating an article. I take time out in the week.

This week I’d like to encourage you to

  • Spring clean your CV
  • Be clear on the differences between status updates and posts on LinkedIn
  • Challenge you to write an article on LinkedIn

I look forward to talking with you next time,
All good wishes
Denise x


Spring clean your CV

I’ve dusted off an article from 3 years ago and brought it up to date.
Spring is here. This is a time of the year when I give the house a good clean. I love getting rid of unwanted items, and love to move everything so I get at trapped dust. It’s a lovely feeling to see my windows sparkle, to have got rid of cobwebs, to start to think of the summer and warmer days ahead. This could be a good time to do the same for your CV.

Critically review your CV

Whether we are actively looking for a job, or not, it’s still important that we have a CV that’s ready to go. You may find a perfect job to apply for, perhaps a promotion at work, or you could find your job being made redundant.
So get it out and give it a careful read through. How happy are you with it? Does it portray the current version of you?  Is it focused on your strengths now and where you want to go in the future?
Let’s look at some of the things you need to do.
Read more here:

Be your child’s career champion. Part 1 for ages 11- 14
I wrote this article last week and posted to my blog. I then put it up on LinkedIn and it’s got a lot of views and comments. So if you missed it last week here’s the link to see it on LinkedIn
I love working with my younger clients. So many of my older clients wish they had worked with a career coach before making choices for post 18. Not everyone wants or needs a university education at that time.


LinkedIn – Posts and Status Updates

There are 2 ways to provide updates to the people you are connected with. One way is to write a post the other is to write a status update.
I notice that some people create a LinkedIn long form post when it would be better suited to a status update.
When you find an interesting link or want to provide a quick update choose the status update.  As these can also be shared on Twitter they are often about 140 characters long but could be a bit longer than this.

This is like a Blog post and should be several hundred words. Research says longer posts get more attention and this is just over 1000 words.
The number of views of an article is good but you also want people to click on the like button and leave a comment.
It’s worth looking at this article (see above) on LinkedIn as a good example of how to create a post on LinkedIn.
I’ve included an image that relates to the post at the top. We are drawn to images. This one bears a strong connection to the article. But anything that grabs attention and draws you in is good.
I’ve also included some additional images. I don’t normally but as part of my recertification as a Social Branding Analyst it says that more images also get more likes.
What would you like to write about that would be of interest to you, so you put the time in to create it, but will also help to raise your profile and demonstrate your knowledge, expertise or ability to think.
You may be happy in your job, so let your bosses and colleague know more about how you shine. It’s going to help with that next internal job you want.
Accept this challenge and let me know when you publish it and I’ll head over to view it and if I like it will share with my followers/connections.

Client Feedback

Thank you so much for your help, guidance, enthusiasm, fabulous knowledge and overall positive and energetic attitude. I know that I made the right decision to use you as my careers coach and I shall recommend you to anyone who I speak to who is not sure what to do with their career.

How’s your love for your job?

I want you to love your job and be happy in your life. If your Sundays are full of dread for the week ahead or you realise you have been chasing the money or someone else’s dream, it’s time for us to talk. Feel free to get in touch to schedule your complimentary 15-minute discussion so we can see if I can help.
And if you know what you want to do but you aren’t getting shortlisted then I can help with CV reviews, LinkedIn makeovers, Interview coaching and more.
Wishing you a lovely weekend, and I’ll talk again soon
Denise x


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