Recently updating my Digital Branding Certification, I’ve been reviewing options on LinkedIn. There are a number of options worth sharing.
Business Page
If you have a business, you may have set up a business page, I have, but don’t post much there. With my doctoral studies there are only so many hours in the day and I’ve prioritised studies and client work.
LinkedIn services
An option that may be useful for more people is to create a services page. I see this as helpful for freelancers and contractors. You can choose 5 services from a list, and this didn’t cover everything I wanted to, but as an early adopter thought I’d set it up.
See my page here and see if it could be helpful for you. It also appears on your LinkedIn page.
LinkedIn Newsletter
I’ve got 77 articles published on LinkedIn. I work smart, so these can also be found on my blog. Articles can be a good way to improve visibility, but you need to put far more effort into sharing rather than concentrating on the writing. Something I could be better at.
Setting up a newsletter was easy; LinkedIn provides lots or guidance. Once you create a first edition a link to subscribe will be sent to all your connections. It was exciting to see the numbers increase. I’ve opted for a weekly option, and I’ll be writing about Retirement – the focus of my doctorate.
Writing Articles
If you don’t want to commit to a regular schedule, you can write an article and share on social media. It’s the sharing that is important to get visibility and you need to respond to each comment. I’m told asking a question will get more responses but I’m not sure that’s worked for me.
I knew that my article views had gone down, probably as there is so much more written online. Whilst I checked number of views once published, not till now have I looked at views over the years. It’s enlightening. Really interesting looking at some of my older articles, the highest viewed ones are shown below, in date order, with the number of views of 1000 and more are highlighted.
The importance of feedback – How using the Johari Window helps July 28, 2014. 8208 views
Half of all workers regret their career path July 19,2014. 3,555 views
Professional Development – why it’s an important element of your CV September 22, 2014. 5798 views
The Career Development Cycle November 25, 2014. 1238 views
Using LinkedIn in your job search December 3, 2014. 782 views
The end of the elevator pitch January 22, 2015. 859 views
Do you ask the question, ‘help me, I hate my job?’ September 28, 2015. 2958 views
Is your job safe? Or will a robot take your job? October 14, 2015. 1169 views
Careers Guidance for Teenagers April 1, 2016. 939 views
I’m not ready to retire … how to find work at 50+ February 2, 2017. 495 views
Pre-tirement is the new retirement April 24, 2017. 1695 views
My LinkedIn Service
Completing my Digital Branding Certification means a change to my service. Creating a LinkedIn profile should just be a part of your online presence and needs to be part of a broader Digital strategy. I now have 2 options available, and you can read more here.