LinkedIn advice – part 2 – Should I be on LinkedIn?

So many people are on LinkedIn, but they don’t use it effectively. They create an account, forget about the initial summary section, add some work dates, and leave it there – few connections, probably without a photograph so what’s the point. I now think of it as a Digital and Social Media Strategy, and LinkedIn […]
LinkedIn advice – part 1

Recently updating my Digital Branding Certification, I’ve been reviewing options on LinkedIn. There are a number of options worth sharing. Business Page If you have a business, you may have set up a business page, I have, but don’t post much there. With my doctoral studies there are only so many hours in the day […]
LinkedIn for Job Search

Most people are not using LinkedIn effectively. They copy their CV into the Experience section and many put little into the About section. I’ve previously written masses of blog posts on the topic, going back almost 10 years A great article to read is this one, How Effective Is Your LinkedIn Profile which you […]
How effective is your LinkedIn profile?

I like writing LinkedIn Profiles. My popular service – The LinkedIn Profile Makeover helps clients to have an effective online presence. I spend time and money on my education for this. Keeping up to date with best practice and I need to certify each year. Some people ask if they need one. Most people do. […]
Taking a technology break

I know I have an addiction to technology – I can’t stop peaking at my phone as I work. I stand in queues in shops and click for more emails and look at FaceBook. This is nothing new and it is nearly 6 years since I wrote this article – Attention and Focus – Oh […]
LinkedIn profile makeovers

I love to write, I love to capture the personality and voice of my clients. Creating LinkedIn profiles is one way I help clients. I’ve done extensive training and keep up to date via continual training and having to recertify each year. Recently I thought that a static page was not enough. So yesterday I […]
Being Self-employed

If you are self employed or freelance you must understand marketing I complete a lot of Future Learn courses, but mainly I skim read through them. Digital Marketing – how to learn more One caught my eye – Digital Skills: Digital Marketing , I thought it helpful as I’m self employed. I’ve worked through the 2 […]
Minimise Phone Usage

I recognise I spend too much time looking at my phone. Watching TV, queuing in a shop, I can’t resist taking a peak. I need to minimise phone usage. I can go through emails fast, but once I get on Facebook … I’m caught with articles and links and before I know it 20 minutes have […]
Learning more about blockchain

Bitcoin is now fairly well known, a means of making financial transactions. Bitcoin is based on Block chain and I’ve been researching to understand more; these videos are helpful: How does a blockchain work, simply explained Blockchain and the middleman Blockchain Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty (I’ve set this to start […]
Personal Branding – the brand called you

Lots of people claim expertise around personal branding. I’m one of the few people in the UK to have studied with William Arruda and to qualify as both a REACH personal branding strategist and social media analyst. I re-certify each year to keep my skills up to date. More of my clients are seeking my […]