Micro Internships for Changing jobs

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Dr Denise Taylor

8 March 2019


You want to change jobs. You want to do something different, but your CV lacks experience. How will you get shortlisted?

When one of my clients wants to make a career move, they firstly do as much research as they can online. They find out all that is available via the internet and they schedule fact finding interviews. These are when you arrange to see people doing the job or at the level above, to find out the answers to all the questions you have. You make a note of some very good questions, ask for 20-30 minute of their time, and keep to it. You then review this and use their answers to plan for your next meeting.

The next step is job shadowing where you spend a day or move observing people doing a job.

You can ask questions and learn much more than taking an entry level job within the industry. It worked for Callum who was interested in being a Stockbroker and rather than be an entry level temp he did some shadowing and this, and other preparation helped him get a much better first job within a company.

The best way to find out about a job or career is to experience it, and being an intern can enhance your CV.

We all know of young people who are supported by their family to work for several months as an unpaid intern. Many people can’t do this, and if you are older, and with family commitments it is not going to work for you either.

So the latest trend for micro internships could be a great option.

These are virtual internships, so you don’t need to e.g. move to London and find accommodation. There are plenty of examples of this in the US.

“Micro-internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns,” it explains. They usually consist of 5 to 40 hours of work and can occur any time of year. You get a set period of time to complete the project e.g. a week or a month.”

It’s great that you get something specific to add to your CV, but you aren’t making face to face contacts. However, many companies are now using Slack to communicate, and you will learn about building online relationships.

You can also connect with the other people within the organisation on LinkedIn. And send a personal message to explain your involvement.

Not only do micro-internships connect employers with a more diverse array of students, they also mitigate the consequences of a bad hire — thereby encouraging employers to consider candidates they might otherwise overlook.

“Since an individual gig requires little to no commitment, a company can more easily provide an opportunity to someone from a different background,” Jeffrey Moss

It also helps any of us to get a better understanding of whether, or not a job or company are right for them.

There’s an interesting article, from the company perspective here.


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