Newsletter 2 January 16

Happy New Year. I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas break. In the ‘twixt’ days between Christmas and New Year I used this time for a major sort out – particularly of the stuff I keep in files on shelves, in filing cabinets and piles around the house. There is so much stuff I […]

Newsletter 11 October 2015

Hi I feel like I’m writing as your kind friend, sharing things that I think will be useful for you, making some suggestions, that you are always free to ignore and, just sometimes sharing personal stuff such as talking about being estranged from my children. There is a hidden side to our lives – most […]

Newsletter 26 September 2015

Good morning, and here’s wishing you a great weekend ahead. I’m busy with preparation and planning, making sure all my systems are working smoothly for whilst I’m away and making sure I take the minimum of clothes with me when I travel. This week I’ve included an excerpt from my new book to remind you […]

29 August Newsletter

Hi It’s Saturday, a bank holiday weekend and today is my birthday. I’m spending this at Twinwood Festival, and set this up to be delivered this morning, I’ll have woken up in a tent. Twinwood is a retro festival with music from the 1940s and 50s so I don’t think I can do my grungy […]

Returning from holiday , key tips and more (July 31 Newsletter)

Hi %$firstname$%, Life is busy and it’s not just work. My elderly parents in law have moved this week, and it’s hard at 90+, my mum is in hospital and we don’t have a kitchen for 3 weeks. But I planned for this, very few client sessions this week or next and focused more on […]

April Newsletter

Hi I’m wishing you a great weekend. Client News You may have been on my mailing list for years – it’s never too late to get in touch. Recently Fiona has contacted me 5 years on from when I’d spoken with her father about how I can help. The time wasn’t right for her then […]

Easter Newsletter

Happy Easter As an employee I loved Easter, as an office worker I had 4 days off work and it was a lovely relaxing break. I hope you have time to spend with loved ones and relax. I’m leaving for Bristol soon – Bristol Swing Festival to develop my dance skills further. My next book […]

Taking time to think – latest newsletter

Hi I missed out on mailing you last weekend, I needed to prioritise as I had some urgent work assignments. This included going up to Leeds to take part in a radio day. Last Tuesday I was on 14 different radio stations talking about the benefits from taking a short break – it doesn’t have […]

Planning for the year ahead

11th January … 11 days since making promises for the year ahead. So how are you getting on? I always think the 1st of the year is a strange day to make a commitment, it takes a while to get out of holiday mode, the weather is generally awful and it seems to be that […]

Personal Branding Trends for 2015

I studied to become a Reach Personal Branding Strategist with William Arruda and each year he shares his top 10 personal branding trends. William says “When Tom Peters coined the term “personal branding” in his prophetic article “The Brand Called You” in 1997, he was describing a world of work where employees think of themselves […]