Newsletter 26 September 2015

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Dr Denise Taylor

26 September 2015


Good morning, and here’s wishing you a great weekend ahead.
I’m busy with preparation and planning, making sure all my systems are working smoothly for whilst I’m away and making sure I take the minimum of clothes with me when I travel.
This week I’ve included an excerpt from my new book to remind you to keep yourself employable, reminding you about how a 1 hour Discover session can help and promoting a new book – Resume for Dummies. I contributed to this book and I’m one of 2 UK career coaches listed in the back.

Take charge of your development

The world of work has changed. There is much more competition for jobs. Many jobs have disappeared, either due to technological advances (we no longer need large volumes of workers and certain kinds of jobs) or outsourced to another country.
There is less security, less full-time working and more contracting, zero hour contracts and people being underemployed. We need to be ready to accept short-term contracts, consultancy and self-employment.
You may be happy in your job, or content to stay, but there’s no guarantee you have a job for life so you need to be ready – just in case, and you need to remain employable.
I’ve got an excerpt from my next book on my blog and see this as valuable for everyone.
You can read it here.

Find work at 50+

Still working on minor revisions to my book and we’ve finalised the cover, which I love. Find Work at 50+ is part of a series so it has many similarities with other books in the series. The layout is great and it’s full of helpful tips and not just for people of 50+

Working with denise – the 1-hour Discover Session

It’s not just about assessments or extended programmes, many of my clients make great progress from a 1-hour session. A first session is recorded, comes with pre-work and relevant follow up materials, and if you give me an update within a week you get further suggestions.
Emma had a session last week and said: Great to speak to you too – I really got a lot out of our first session.
It’s just £140 by Skype
Get in touch to tell me your story and schedule your session.

Resumes for Dummies

Don’t let the name ‘Resumes’ put you off, all the advice is relevant to our UK CVs. I respect Laura De Carlo as a professional, and as a professional career coach her training via Career Directors International is first class.
My clients love the way I write CVs and this book covers many of the techniques I use. It’s right up to date with great examples for how to layout your CV plus guidance on using social media.
Buy this and it will help you create a winning CV. Good Luck!
I contributed to this book (social media section) and I’m one of 2 UK career coaches listed in the back.

An 8-hour lullaby

I love Max Richter’s work and going to go to sleep tonight listening to this – an 8-hour experimental work

Till next time

Denise x


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