Newsletter 11 October 2015

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Dr Denise Taylor

11 October 2015


I feel like I’m writing as your kind friend, sharing things that I think will be useful for you, making some suggestions, that you are always free to ignore and, just sometimes sharing personal stuff such as talking about being estranged from my children.

There is a hidden side to our lives – most of the time we want to present the positive us to the world. We self-select the photos we post online and mainly talk about the good times we are having.

When we talk about the darker side, our fears rather than hopes, we can often be surprised by the support we have. People may not have experienced what we are going through (loss of a child, failing to get the job) but they empathise with disappointments.

Maybe this week would be a good week to listen out for the sign that someone isn’t fine and to do one small thing – ask if they want to talk about it, squeeze their shoulder, tell them that you care.

Preparations and doing enough

I’ll be in Cape Town this time next week, and there is no way I can do everything before I go so this weekend I’ve decided to halt – to focus ensuring all systems are in place for things to run smoothly.

With no mobile phones and a very poor internet connection it’s going to be interesting to take a break from technology. I will have my thoughts and I will make plans for the next 5 years. I found the plan I made in 2010 – if only I’d followed it back then I’d have my PhD now. But things change and whilst I didn’t follow that route I’ve had a further 3 books published with another due out in 2016.

I’ll be writing about new year resolutions in December/January but we can decide at any time to make a change. And the change can be small.

So is there one small change you would like to make – today?

Developing Confidence and/or Starting a Business

I’ve done this offer once before, just a few days to get my confidence eCourse with a massive saving. This time, I’m putting an offer on both eProgrammes but only for 3 days

5 Module eConfidence Course

  • Usual Price £47
  • Special Offer £22

4 Module Start and Grow Your Own Business

  • Usual Price £47
  • Special Offer £22


BOTH REDUCED TO £22 FOR 3 days only, offer ends 7pm on Wednesday 14th October


Recording coaching Sessions

When a client comes to my home office or we work by Skype I will always record the first discussion, and others on request.
I know that not everyone remembers conversations, and I want my clients to be ‘present’ not only half paying attention and focused on my notes. Clients are often surprised by this, and in some cases, such as when we have discussed the Highlands Ability Battery I don’t expect them to listen to it soon, but it’s great when people return to them later.
Just this week Alex got back to me telling me that he has just re-found the recording of the Highlands Ability Battery discussion and was surprised at how much more he got from listening to the discussion than just a review of his report.
Susie had a reminder to download hers and said “Thanks for the reminder – I’ve just listened to it and it was really useful to do so”.

Job Search Support

While I’m away you may need help with job search. I have an online programme, that I should publicise more. It comes with 56 videos, including the Interview coaching module and I’ve just cut the price down to £97 – saving £100!
Read more here, it might be the perfect early Christmas present for a friend or relative and comes with 6 months access to all the materials.
As always do let me know if I can be of help.

Write a novel in a month

November each year is National Novel Writing Month. If you have ever wanted to write a novel, or a film script you may like to find out more and then sign up

Kind regards

Denise Taylor


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