You know what you want, but will you get it?

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Dr Denise Taylor

9 October 2010


‘You can’t always get what you want’ – so says the Rolling Stones, but if you are 100% committed you have a much better chance of achieving your goal.
This is not another goal setting article, or maybe it is? 
I’ve chosen to write this as I have a couple of clients who know that they hate their job, tell me they are keen to get another job, have spent money with me to identify who they are and identified jobs to explore but they then make limited progress and I wonder what is going on.
If you don’t think that you can achieve your dream career goal, then you won’t.
It’s harsh, but you need to be focused and what you want, wishywashy won’t do.
It could be that although they want something they aren’t committed to the act of achieving this. For example, you can want to lose weight or get fit, but there are certain actions you need to do to achieve either goal, so a good question is:
How committed are you to making this happen?
On a scale of 1-10 where do you sit? This is where 10 means that you will do everything possible to achieve your goal, anything below 7 means that it isn’t going to happen.
So if you have scored low, what can you do to turn it into an 8 or above?
Maybe it’s the difference between wanting to and committing to an action?
Perhaps we need to go a bit deeper.
Take time to list any reasons why you haven’t taken action and your progress has stalled. Try this
1.    List down everything that is holding you back – your constraints
2.    For each item on your list, make of note of if it is imposed by others (I) or of your own choosing (O)
3.    What action can you take against the items on your list. Can you remove the item, modify it or is there a way you can cope with it?
4.    Would it help to break the task down into a series of steps.
For some people it may be a case of being scared, unsure about what the research may lead on to. Having, for example, worked in one company for 10 years or more they may wonder what the results of the research may bring, but doing the research isn’t making a commitment to any particular action, reviewing the research is the next step.
Denise Taylor 


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