Why people have a second job

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Dr Denise Taylor

28 July 2019


I was on Radio Hereford & Gloucester on Friday 26th July, talking with Elliott Webb.  You can listen to the recording via this link. Not the best of recordings, but you can hear what I say.

Listen to Denise here

Many people will do shifts in the pub or work in the beauty/fitness industry but there are other options too.

One thing is to think of your hobbies, or skills and see how you can make money doing either. You may be good at website design, graphic design, making jewellery. Or you may be training to do something and can start to make some money and build up some experience to help you apply for a job and be a credible candidate.

Before taking on a second job you need to make sure you have enough free time. This can often be freed up by cutting back on TV/Netflix and social media. You also need to check it is ok with your main employer. There are a few companies that won’t allow staff to have second jobs, so you don’t want to lose your job because of this.

To raise extra money, you can go for a conventional part time job or be more flexible and sell gigs on Fiverr or register with People per Hour etc.

Find part time options like you would a conventional job – see it advertised, contact a company or ask around. Often hospitality and retail are best found by going into the shop/restaurant at off peak times. 

All the very best, Denise

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay


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