What do you prioritise?

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Dr Denise Taylor

28 January 2021


Busy with work and academic studies, I’d let exercise slide. Back in the spring and summer, when my work stopped, I was walking in nature and out on my bike. As clients returned, and the weather went cold my activity level dropped. I wasn’t making it a priority.

We can always make the time for things that we want to do. Realising my weight is increasing (I’d been avoiding the scales!) I’m now doing some online walking programmes and wonder why I didn’t do it before.

I had started a couple of weeks ago – doing Zumba in bare feet and hurt my feet. My chiropractor told me I need to wear trainers to give my feet support. So now I’m doing a 30-minute class a couple of times a day. It gets me up from my desk and boosts my mood – result!

What do you need to prioritise?

It may be worth taking some time to consider the things you would like to do – both work and personal goals.

I’ve been talking to people who are unhappy in their job and have taken a half-hearted approach to looking for something else, and not got far. Not surprising! It is a tough time to change jobs, and you need to work smarter than ever.  Be clear on what you want and why. Then look broader than using the job aggregators to find jobs. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is effective and have conversations with people on the edge of your network.

I’ve started connecting with people I meet via webinars. Usually I listen to the replay, but, for example, on a session yesterday I connected with 5 people on LinkedIn and have  a couple of people who are interested in being interviewed for my doctoral research.

When you take part in online activity, be active and be open to connect. We were encouraged to use the chat facility and once one person shared their LinkedIn details, others did too. You could be the first in your next webinar.

I’m not going into detail on goal setting in this article as I have written extensively on it in the past. Here are some links if you would like to learn more :

Achieving Goals – advice from the career coach

As a career coach I am asked a wide range of questions. Some are very specific, but others are broad. One of my career coaching clients, Billie, on a 6 monthly career review session asked me how can she be successful? Read more here.

Prioritising personal and business goals

I can’t do everything and nor can you. We need to prioritise our personal and business goals.

I’ve recently written a blog post – ‘Half way through the year – Time for reflection’ and asked you to look back on what you have achieved over the past 6 months and also to identify the key tasks you want to focus on over the next 6 months.   I wanted you to look at business, personal, health and relationship goals.  Read more here.

Setting Career Goals, part 1

Setting Career Goals – How our thinking affects our action. Many of you know of my weight loss journey, and despite numerous setbacks I succeeded in losing 10 ½ stone in weight. But, as with so many others, I put weight back on. It drifted up and then I lost a few pounds, but the overall direction was up and by May this year I’d gained just over 2 stone.  Read more here.

Setting Career Goals, part 2

In my last post I wrote about setting career goals. I said that a lot about achieving career goals is about what goes on in our head.  I asked you to think about your career goal, or anything else that you want to achieve and to visualize your current situation and your desired goal and then create steps to reach your career  goal.  But many struggle, and this is often down to what happens in our head. We have crooked thinking.  Read more here. 

Career Management and Goals

Halfway Through the Year, For Effective Career Management, Time to Review Your Goals.  Yesterday was midsummers day, the middle of the year. I only realised late last night reading my newspaper on my iPad. A bit late reading my newspaper as I was focused on work tasks yesterday.  It got me thinking of my goals – career management goals especially. You know the things we probably said to ourselves at the start of the year. I know I wasn’t as clear as I should be, and my goals were a bit vague. I’m always telling people to set SMARTER goals, but I don’t always do what I tell others. I guess I think I’m above that and I don’t need to spell it out. Well, I do!  Read more here. 



Image by Erich Westendarp from Pixabay


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