How will technology change your job?

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Dr Denise Taylor

20 May 2018



We live in interesting times. Politically we aren’t sure of where we will be in a year, but we can be sure of the technological input into the work place. so how will technology change your job?

A good article on how to train workers for job that don’t yet exist reminded me to write an article on how change can be a good thing, and we shouldn’t fear it. A lot of work is quite routine, and technology can lighten the load and remove some of this monotonous work.  It’s helping on the shop floor, and in the office leading to improved productivity. But this routine work will need to be replaced by other work and higher-level skills may be needed, so employees need training, but other employees may need more extensive training, and this could be to go back to college or retrain.
I’ve always encouraged people to take charge of their own development, you can’t rely on your boss or employer. We need to be street smart and savvy, so we spot potential changes and get ready to take advantage of them. It can help to show your boss you are a quick learner and willing to invest in yourself.
I’d like you to take a critical view at your job, and to be radical, to see how will technology change your job and what could be changed. It might not happen, but if some elements of your job were to go how would you fill the time. Would this give you more time to spend with customers, or time to be more strategic, time to expand your job into something else – but what? This is all positive.
But what if your job ceased to exist, what would you do then. Do you think there would be opportunities within your company or industry, or is this a time to look for something new?
Whatever happens, what will be helpful to you? Is there a short course you could take (check out FutureLearn) or can you be more proactive in the workplace.
Let me know below what this inspires you to do.


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