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Dr Denise Taylor

7 December 2012


 Sharing Knowledge

This was my very first blog post on this site, posted on February 7th, 2007. This was not my first blog, I’d been writing one on a separate site for a few years, and I’d started my newsletter back in 1999.

Even The Rich and Famous Can HATE Their Job
I read in the paper today that Hugh Grant is saying that he longs to pack in showbiz. To us he is wealthy and successful, but perhaps this isn’t the right business for him. He is lucky, he will have sufficient money to start again – to buy a farm like Liz Hurley or move into something else.
For too many of the clients I work with they feel unable to make the change. It is so hard to move into what they really want to do when they have gained expertise as a professional and have commitments that taking a significant pay cut is not an option.

I never kept my old newsletters, and nor did I save my other blog posts – they were the past and I wanted to start afresh. I could have kept and recycled them, but I’d rather write from where I am today, even on a similar topic.
A real strength of mine is to never be satisfied and to always be looking for ways to improve. I’m recently started working again with Paul, it’s less than a year since we last worked together but already the way I write CVs has improved and we’ve gone through and revised his.
There’s so much information available – in books, on blogs, gained through talking with others …  I read a lot, and much confirms what I already know and do, but sometimes I find out about a new approach or learn of a website I’ve not come across and I make sure to integrate this in my work.
I also see a lot of absolute rubbish appear on websites, and many which is regurgitated from other websites. That can be a problem for many, can you actually trust what others say? I was talking to one of my clients today about being a trusted advisor.  You can’t expect people to see you as one unless you have the credibility to back it up.
The people I work with, and who follow my blog and newsletter respect what I have to say, based on qualifications, publications and recommendations.  But I can’t stay still, I don’t want to be stuck in a time warp with a dated approach. Luckily I love finding out what’s new and adapting it for my clients.

Finding the new

For example I generally help clients identify skills through two ways – either to talk through stories from their life, where I capture the skills, or a big list of skills and descriptions where people can rate themself. But I’ve come across a new exercise, that clients can work through before coming to see me, and I like it a lot and will be using it with my clients.
Last Friday I spent the day in London at the Career Thought Leaders Brain Day, along with 11 other career professionals we discussed what is happening now and in the future on a wide range of topics. The output of our discussion is a paper shared between us with useful information and links. Similar discussions took place in many US cities and the results from all will be brought  together for the 2012 White Paper.  I’ll be sharing this with my clients and newsletter subscribers when it is published next year.
You can access both the 2011 and 2010 papers via the link. These are highly recommended for both professional career coaches and also those who want to be at the forfront of approaches to manage their career and be successful in job search.
I’d like you to reflect on how you keep your knowledge up to date and how you share this with others. If you are interested in writing a guest post please let me know.
Denise Taylor is a double award winning career coach and Chartered Psychologist with Amazing People, established in 1998. When you are unsure of your career future, need help with job search or seek to improve your presence in an online world, Denise can help. Denise is the author of 7 books including How To Get A Job In A Recession, Now You’ve Been Shortlisted and Fat to Fantastic
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