September Newsletter

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Dr Denise Taylor

2 September 2013


The September edition is out!
2 September, 2013
It’s back to school week, and the time when many return to their job search with renewed vigour, there’s 3 months before people start winding down to Christmas so time to really focus to get the job you want.  It’s also a time when many parents will move into the transition to the ’empty nest’ as their offspring become university students.
This newsletter will focus on 2 things

  • How to re-energise your job search
  • University students
  • And I’m also going to raise the issue of overwhelm.

My readers range from people who have been with me for years and are now happy in their work to newer subscribers who know they aren’t happy in their job but are not sure what they do want to do, or help with job search. So sometimes my newsletter may not really address your issues one month, but it will the next time.
Recently I’ve refocused my website as I know it was getting a bit too long, so if you’ve not had a look recently, please do visit my site. I’ve also got links to a range of free eProgrammes and you can find them all here:
Feel free to sign up for as many of them as you want, they are there to help you.

Dealing with Overwhelm

I’m an introvert and whilst I can act as an extrovert for short periods of time, it can become very draining and I can easily get overwhelmed.
For my birthday we went to Amsterdam (I was lucky to win a competition), I was very keen to visit Nemo, a hands on science museum. But I hadn’t realised just how noisy it would be. So for around an hour or so it was great fun, lots of things to try, but I’d only seen about a third of the place when it all got too much for me.
I wonder if I am a highly sensitive person and back in 1999 when I did my coach training we discussed this. If this resonates with you, you may like to try this test.
HSP is different to Introversion, but I think more introverts will also be HSPs, and in the book, The Power of Quiet, by Susan Cain she references the work of Elaine Aron who created this test.

You can access it here.


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