Newsletter 8 April 2017

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Dr Denise Taylor

8 April 2017


A beautiful morning, and I love this time of year. It’s a good time to go on an early morning walk, it’s quiet, just the birds and lots of wildlife to watch – I saw a lamb being born yesterday. All seemed so easy. But I love more the way it gives me thinking time and I’ve started walking with my voice recorder ready on my phone to capture my ideas.

Have you a CV and LinkedIn profile you are proud of?

I wrote an article on spring cleaning your CV which is still relevant:
Spring is here. This is a time of the year when I give the house a good clean. I love getting rid of unwanted items, and love to move everything so I get at trapped dust. It’s a lovely feeling to see my windows sparkle, to have got rid of cobwebs, to start to think of the summer and warmer days ahead. This could be a good time to do the same for your CV.

Critically review your CV
Whether we are actively looking for a job, or not, it’s still important that we have a CV that’s ready to go. You may find a perfect job to apply for, perhaps a promotion at work, or you could find your job being made redundant.
So, get it out and give it a careful read through. How happy are you with it? Does it portray the current version of you?  Is it focused on your strengths now and where you want to go in the future?

Let’s look at some of the things you need to do.

  1. Bring it up to date

Although we know we should keep our CV up to date, what usually happens is that once our CV has done it’s job and we have a new job, we then don’t look at our CV again.  Then all of a rush we need it and may not even be able to find it. Lucy has recently started working with me and she had to spend time rebuilding her CV, a much bigger job than editing a document.
Read more>>

I want to make a special offer for my readers, for one week only, as we often need an incentive to act. It could be good as a present, or could be perfect for you if you know you want it but not just yet. Buy it now, there is no expiry date!

Many people know they need a new CV and LinkedIn profile but money is tight, and my typical services are beyond their budget. So, if you know yours needs improving but have limited resources you might like this offer.
 I offer online courses which are very thorough and designed as guided tutorials with me and I get great feedback. Two of my courses are:

The Successful CV for £47

How to Use LinkedIn to Manage Your Career  £57 (reduced from £67)

The Offer

Buy both programmes and get a free 30-minute CV review, worth £50

Here’s the link –   and the offer is good till the end of Easter Sunday. 


On the blog

I’ve written a few articles this week, and posted them on my blog so why not nip over and read some of them?
LMI (Labour Market Information) – includes a nifty tool to find out how much a job pays
The Career Review, a how to guide – practical guidance so you can do it yourself
Study and Exam Tips, part 1 – with parts 2 and 3 coming soon
And a link to this weeks’ Loving life at 50+ newsletter.
Key resources – whilst this is aimed at the 50+ reader, most of the links are relevant to all, and I love the layout of this page.

Meet me on FaceBook

If you are on FaceBook you will get a lot of value from ‘liking’ my page. Whenever I find articles of interest I share them here.
I review masses of career related articles and share the ones I think are of most interest.
So come and take a look –


How’s your love for your job?

I want you to love your job and be happy in your life. If your Sundays are full of dread for the week ahead or you realise you have been chasing the money or someone else’s dream, it’s time for us to talk. Feel free to get in touch to schedule your complimentary 15-minute discussion so we can see if I can help.
And if you know what you want to do but you aren’t getting shortlisted then I can help with CV reviews, LinkedIn makeovers, Interview coaching and more.

I’ve had a busy week, and I’m at a dance weekend. So, I’m going to have fun, and I hope that you will too.
Till next time

Denise x


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