Newsletter 15 July 2017

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Dr Denise Taylor

15 July 2017


Good morning
I wanted to write to you this time about living outside your comfort zone. I used to play it safe but then started to embrace the concept of “life is for living”.

Back in the 1990s I went to UPW – Unleash the Power Within, with Anthony Robbins.  This included doing a fire-walk and from that I went for a major promotion at work, and got it.

So many areas of life are down to what we think … whether we think that we can, or we can’t, we are right.

I decided I would make my case for the promotion, pick up the phone and do the equivalent of a cold call with a senior director. I got the meeting and the job.

Would I have got it if I hadn’t embraced the fear – doubtful, and what’s the worst that could happen?

If you’ve been a subscriber you may remember that in late December I did the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb, facing my fear of heights. A few years earlier I had problems in Belize as there were many temples to climb without hand rails to come down so I had to choose the ones where I felt safe. It didn’t stop me enjoying the holiday but I missed out a bit.

Another of my fears is being under water. I’ve been in places that are wonderful for snorkelling but again was too afraid to attempt it.

I can swim, and swim for an hour or longer but I don’t have a good technique. I swim breast stroke like an older lady with my head up to stop my hair getting wet. I know that’s not good for me so decided to have lessons. I’ve opted to learn the Shaw Method, which is approved by health professionals.

Goodness it was scary. I hate having my head under water, but we are building up gradually and I’m in a small class of 3. I think this is better than a private lesson, we support each other, and get a bit of a break as we practice on our own.

As I type this I’ve had 2 lessons (out of 6) and I’m back from my first trip to the swimming pool on my own for a practice. I’m very pleased with my improvement. I’m not comparing myself to anyone else, just concentrating on my own progress. I can now swim a bit with my head under water, still more of a glide than a swim, we don’t do arms till next week.

What about you? What holds you back? Where do you need to take a step forward? Go on, why not share?

In the News

I’m a contributing co-author to Business Models for Teams and the book is now on sale. I love the whole concept of taking a business model to companies and individual development and have contributed to previous books with my largest contribution being with Business Model You where I provided much of the content for chapter 4.

I’m also featured in Yours Magazine. Alas, it’s another case of finding out too late that the article is in a magazine and the journalist/ publishing company never sent me the promised copy. However, I have been sent screen shots of the pages and you can see them here.


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