Newsletter 13 May 2017

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Dr Denise Taylor

14 May 2017


Another Saturday, and hope you have had a good day. I’ve spent the morning creating more videos for my Kitchen Conversations. It’s frustrating to create 3 and then realise that open blinds meant reflections on my glasses, but I wanted to make them look good. What I like about these videos is that they don’t have to be perfect. I make it clear that I create them in my kitchen and do them in one take. In one, I’m interrupted by Alexa but I left that in.

This week, alongside client work:

  • I’ve spoken with a Russian organisation and I’m going to be doing a masterclass for them on career coaching. This will be interesting as I work with a translator, and will be a webinar.
  • Led a Pre-retirement seminar with people approaching state retirement age
  • Been seen as a social influencer. I’ve been approached by an organisation who see me as an influencer for the Over 50s! I’ll be paid expenses to attend an event and will then blog about it.

This time I’d like to share

  1. The Latest Kitchen Conversation Videos
  2. The Portfolio Career
  3. On the blog – Video Interview

And over on The50Plus Coach site I’ve posted
13 May – Kitchen Conversations – Traditional Retirement
10 May – Imagine the Future – Kitchen Conversation 3

8 May – Hula hooping at 64 – a great way to keep fit and have fun

Till next time, Denise x

Kitchen Conversations

Let me start by sharing a kitchen conversation video –where I talk about traditional retirement

The Portfolio Career

A portfolio career is a way of working where you have more than one job. This could include working 2 days developing your own catering business and 3 days working in your main career as an accountant. Or it could be to use your area of specialism and to perhaps have a portfolio that includes other activity. I have a portfolio career, I get my income from different sources. I combine career coaching, consultancy, writing and product development and I love it. I love the way I have different sources of income but it also keeps my engaged and enthused. I doubt I would be as happy just choosing one of these options.
Sarah’s portfolio career includes works as a bank nurse, continuing her previous full time job, but on a part time basis. She also works on a Friday night at a pub, it’s live music night which she loves, and on Saturday she works in a quirky clothes shop. The rest of the time is spent developing her small business idea of creating art from waste (such as plastic bags and old paper).
Read more>>

On the blog –  Video Interview – learn to be comfortable with the technology and perform at your best

The video interview is becoming increasingly common.  You may well be aware of the Skype interview, but this differs. You aren’t going to be interacting with an interviewer but responding to prepared questions. Your answer is recorded and later reviewed by one or more members of the organisation.

Effortless Happiness Giveaway

30+ empowering & inspiring free gifts for creating Effortless Happiness in your personal & professional life 

Meet me on FaceBook

If you are on FaceBook you will get a lot of value from ‘liking’ my page. Whenever I find articles of interest I share them here.
I review masses of career related articles and share the ones I think are of most interest.
Come and look –

How’s your love for your job?

I want you to love your job and be happy in your life. If your Sundays are full of dread for the week ahead or you realise you have been chasing the money or someone else’s dream, it’s time for us to talk. Feel free to get in touch to schedule your complimentary 15-minute discussion so we can see if I can help.
And if you know what you want to do but you aren’t getting shortlisted then I can help with CV reviews, LinkedIn makeovers, Interview coaching and more.


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