Job Hunting with LinkedIn – How many recruiters contact you?

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Dr Denise Taylor

31 October 2014


I want you to have a LinkedIn profile to meet the needs of recruiters, and it’s probably not what you think.

Recruiters have a special app – Recruiter Corporate which means that they see LinkedIn profiles in a different way to users like you and me.
Did you know a recruiter:

  • Can’t see CVs attached to LinkedIn profiles? I know how to get yours seen.
  • Can’t search for unemployed LinkedIn members so they potentially look at all profiles – I can help you show that you are actively seeking work.
  • Can’t contact unlimited potential candidates for free – with a limit to 20 per month, should they use one of these with you? I can help you make it easy to be contacted.
  • Can’t send free messages to fellow group members. I can help you get messages sent to you.

I’ve learnt how to

  •  Increase your chance of getting found in a search
  • Have a profile that generate interest and persuades a recruiter to view your profile
  • Write a profile to encourage a recruiter to contact you
  • Make it easy for a recruiter to contact you

It’s fine to be eliminated because you are not a good match, because you don’t have enough experience, lack a specific qualification or are not based in the right location. But you don’t want to be eliminated because

o   You don’t appear when the recruiter sets their search criteria

o   When you are found you don’t attract their interest to look beyond the initial snapshot

o   When they do look at your profile you don’t sell your strengths for the role you seek

o   It’s not easy to contact you

Would you like me to share this confidential knowledge?

Schedule an ‘insider LinkedIn secrets session’ (60 minutes by Skype) and we will
Clarify your objectives for your LinkedIn profile
Be clear on the key words you use
Review all aspects of your profile and discuss why changes are needed and ensure you are clear of action points
And I’ll do a second review to ensure the action points are fully implemented with further suggestions if not.
We have a full hour Skype call and I will make use of screen sharing (using as I make suggestions
I’m working with 6 clients at an introductory price of £125. You get at least an hour of my time, once I add this to my website the fee will be £175. To take advantage of this offer, contact me today.

Need more help?

The full LinkedIn makeover service, includes
In-depth questionnaire
My expertise to write your profile and I utilise all my knowledge about LinkedIn Recruiter
The fee is £275, with a 10% discount if we have already worked together on your CV.
If you need help with any aspect of job search please get in touch.


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