How to say no to a promotion, advice from the career coach

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Dr Denise Taylor

8 June 2012


How to say no to a promotion
We all get flattered by being offered a promotion – more money sounds great, but with it comes more responsibility and possible changes to your life style.
Other people may think that there is no decision to make – there is more money, more status, and you will be climbing the career ladder, but don’t get seduced by what others think you need to do the right thing for you.
Too many people rush into accepting a job without thinking about if it is the right move for them. It helps to think about your current job – what do you like and dislike, what excites you, what tasks do you enjoy. The n think about the new job, and ask yourself the same questions.
Also ask yourself:
Does this promotion fit in with my career goals?
Do I have the required skills?
Will the benefits outweigh the challenges?

Reasons you may turn it down

  1. You may already be happy in your job and the job on offer may take you, for example, away from the work you love to management.
  2. You may have concerns that your skills don’t match up/ you don’t deserve it and you would rather take the time to develop your skills and competence so you feel more comfortable to take on the job
  3. Status and more money may not be key drivers for you
  4. The costs in terms of extra pressure, more travel and more responsibility aren’t worth it
  5. You may have sufficient personal challenges that you don’t want any thing else to potentially upset your home situation
  6. The move may take you to a more generalist function when you prefer to have a greater area of expertise.
  7. It’s unlikely you will get the support and coaching you need to make a success of the transition

How to turn down an offer of promotion

  1. Say thanks for considering me for promotion but say that you don’t think it is right for you at this time.  I wouldn’t say “because of personal circumstances” which can imply that you can’t cope with the work/home balance. Do provide a brief explanation
    1. Perhaps due to some personal voluntary commitments, part time study or desire to see through a project
    2. Perhaps because it doesn’t play to your strengths and lets you use your key abilities
    3. Say how much satisfaction you gain from your current job and you wish to continue to develop in this particular role at the moment.
    4. Remind them of aspects of the job you are currently doing that really contributes to the business success and how you can do this best in your current role.
    5. Emphasise how much you enjoy challenges and look forward to further challenges in your current job
    6. Offer to help out in the short term until someone is appointed to the role
    7. Be sure to say that you will be interested in being considered in the future, if you are

Trust this is helpful, wishing you all the very best, and if I can be of any help please let me know.
Denise Taylor
Denise Taylor, double award winning career coach with Amazing People


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