How To Safely Handle, Store & Dispose Of Hazardous Substances At Work

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Dr Denise Taylor

3 August 2022


Some of my clients work in this area, and after a discussion today wanted to share this.

Industrial wastes usually contain hazardous compounds that could threaten one’s health and the environment. Let’s face it: almost every business produces toxic compounds, from building and maintenance to cleaning and even office printing. Dealing with such harmful substances requires caution in storage and disposal to safeguard your employees and the environment. Keep reading to learn more about handling, storage, and disposal methods of hazardous chemicals to create a safe and conducive environment for work.

Handling Hazardous Substances

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that you learn every information possible before handling a dangerous substance. Reading the product’s package and labelling for safety instructions is an excellent place to start. Look up the item on the internet, contact the supplier for help, or check whether the HSE or manufacturer gives instructions for handling the substance. You’d usually find a warning sign for environmental hazards, flammables, explosives, or poisonous chemicals.

Ensure to carry out a COSHH Assessment to determine the product safety data sheet from the manufacturer. The results of your investigation will reveal what safety measures are necessary to protect your employees and people who use the substance.

Educating Workers On Proper Waste Disposal

Providing health and safety training for workers is a crucial step toward handling and disposing of hazardous substances. Inform your staff about the dangers of the substances present in your workplace.

Your employees should learn how to use and handle materials, storage locations, and the proper protective overalls and clothes for work. The chain of custody for specific chemicals and materials is also required to demonstrate the quantity of that substance stored on-site and which presently possesses that substance.

For the best results, consider investing in health and safety courses for your employees from reliable platforms like iHASCO. They’re an excellent company that provides the best training like accident reporting, essential life support, CDM regulations, COSHH training, electrical safety and many more to create a safe environment.

Disposing Of Hazardous Wastes

To begin dealing with hazardous trash, you must first assess its danger. Classify all of the trash that your company generates using a waste classification code. This code identifies whether the waste is hazardous or not as well as the type of environment or industry it came from, the substance’s name, and the procedure that caused it.

Get every necessary information on the waste and the best disposal methods. After that, segregate the waste and store it in a safe area using appropriate containers to prevent it from getting combined with other trash. Label each container uniquely and use waterproof coverings to contain the garbage from leaking or blowing away and from being polluted by rain.

COSHH mandates that you train every employee and co-worker to handle hazardous substances following the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). Anyone who comes into contact with potentially dangerous materials must have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their safety and the safety of others around them.

Final Words

Getting rid of hazardous trash safely and kindly to the environment may be difficult for both people and companies. The atmosphere and human health are at risk if you don’t follow the regulations. As a result, violators of the law face extremely harsh penalties. Fortunately, following a few easy steps may make disposing of your hazardous trash a cinch. Use the above guide to dispose of your hazardous waste properly, responsibly, and following all applicable laws.


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