How to ask for a pay rise – 8 November newsletter

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Dr Denise Taylor

8 November 2014


Happy Saturday
I now work Saturday mornings as not all clients can schedule a session in the week and with dancing classes Monday-Wednesday evenings I wanted to offer more options for clients. I now take time off in the week – being flexible is good for customers and can be good for us. – Umm, looks like a good idea for a future article.
Read on for a link to read how to ask for a pay rise, a link to listen to me on Radio 5 live, how to get online training for just $5, possibly reduced from $249 or even more and a short article on the importance of practice.

 1.       How to ask for a pay rise

I was Guest Expert on BBC 5Live on Wednesday night and one of our topics was ‘How to ask for a pay rise’. I’ve written an article on this topic and you can find it on LinkedIn –
You believe you deserve a rise so how do you take action to get it rather than let dissatisfaction fester within? Here’s a structure that should prove helpful.

Want to hear me on the radio? Here’s the link to the Phil Williams programme

It starts at 22.30, I was introduced at about 00.20 and most of my time on air was from 00.39, the last 20 minutes of the show.

 2.       The importance of practice

Whenever we start anything new it’s hard, it takes time to move forward so we feel more confident. But if we never start anything new we will stagnate and that’s not good for our personal development or our career. I’ve been to dance classes for 7 weeks now and it was great last week for some of the more experienced dancers to complement both myself and Simon that we have made really good progress. This wouldn’t have happened if we had just gone to the classes, but we watch videos, practice steps and make it fun.
I encourage people to learn and develop and it doesn’t always have to be something specifically work related. If I was seeking a promotion or a new job I’d be looking to explain how setting out to learn something new – cake icing, sailing, a foreign language means that we are developing our brains to learn other things quickly to, we are receptive to feedback and eager to learn and improve.

3.       Take a course for 5$ – about the price of a coffee!

Udemy is a great place to find interesting online courses and they have an offer on to take hundreds of courses for just $10 with the coupon code LEARN10, you can get many courses for half price with an invitation from me, so email. Courses include $49 now $10 till midnight on 11 November PST $79 now $10 till midnight on 11 November PST  $249 now $10 till midnight on 11 November PST

4.       Read the archives

Never be lost for an article I’ve well over a thousand on my blog and scroll to the bottom of the right hand menu and you will find the categories to choose from – so whether you are interested in articles focused on interviewing, assessments, career management or self-employment they should be something of interest.
Till next time
Denise x


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