I’ve been thinking of this and can see different viewpoints.
I had a habit of clicking send/receive any time I took the briefest break from a task and then I’d get distracted and deal with mail and before I knew it 20-30 minutes had gone by. I had a great chat with a business coach who told me that so many of his clients respond to emails like they are in Scotland Yard’s major incident room, I loved that quote and have shared it before.
I now mainly check emails about 4 times a day, and I am working much more efficiently.
But what about when I’m out of the house?
Like most people I can access my mail from my phone, in the queue at the supermarket or in the car as my husband drives. In these circumstances I may often press refresh to see what’s there.
Lots of emails are for info only so I quickly delete these. Why read them twice as they will still be on my work PC?
But sometimes the emails are client enquiries. I like to respond to these with a short email to say I’m away from my office, and tell them when to expect a reply. I like to do this as it could be ½ a day before I get back to the office, and sometimes an enquiry could be urgent.
I read an article recently on the unintended benefit of ‘sent from my iPhone’. Jasmeet said that when the iPhone was first launched this standard message was a means of bragging about your super new phone but it has another benefit. It signals that you are typing on a phone, responding quickly and so a brief response is expected.
It also helps if you make typos, the receiver is more likely to be forgiving.
And another thought … when you are working on your main computer and only want to send a brief reply, you could still add the ‘sent from my iPhone’ or ‘sent from my Samsung Galaxy 5′ brief signature.
Love to know what you think, is sending emails from your phone proving effective to you. Any changes you plan to make?
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