I’m included on Alvin Hall’s Generations of Money second programme in the series which focuses on young people. Out of a 90 minute interview just a couple of quotes are included but this is quite typical. When I was on The Tonight Programme we spent around half an hour walking through a shopping centre and just a couple of seconds were included.
One of the other speakers was Patrick Ainley who, along with Martin Allen has written a book – Lost Generation?: New Strategies for Youth and Education. On the radio broadcast he said that we are seeing the bursting of a huge education bubble, young people, and their parents, were sold a pipe dream which can be compared to a package holiday but the end result is a lack of jobs.
By 2009 the number of young people going to university had reached 45% but those who enter the professions tend to be those who went to a certain group of universities where the companies have connections and visit.
Now far too many young people end up in the sort of jobs that were taken by those who left school 35 years ago. Back then 4 O levels got you a good office job, now they are mostly taken by graduates.
It is a challenging time, and this is when expert career advice can be helpful – both in helping young people work out what sort of job they ideally want, what will be a useful interim step or steps and in helping them to present themselves well both in application, at interview and assessment centre.
If you would like to discuss working with me please email me. Alternatively you may like to review the articles and blog posts on my site. You may also like to buy one of my books:
· How to get a job in a recession
· Now you’ve been shortlisted, Your step by step guide to being successful at interviews and assessment centres.