Graduate Career Support

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Dr Denise Taylor

12 November 2014


I was interviewed by a journalist, here are my answers to the questions.

What sort of graduates come to you and what issue are they concerned with?
My graduate clients fall into 3 categories:

  • With a degree but unsure what to do next
  • Sometimes they have an idea but can’t see how to get there with their particular degree
  • A few years after graduation when they have reached e.g. solicitor or fully qualified engineer and they realize this is not where they want to be.

How does what you offer address their needs?
There are so many ways I can work with my younger clients, Two different approaches:
An in-depth programme; the Gold Career Programme which won a national award. This covers abilities, interests, personality (all 3 assessed using reputable assessments, resulting in triangulation) plus also passions, values, long term goals, family pressures – a real holistic perspective. It’s not just about tests and assessments we also talk
With other clients I may have just one or two sessions where they have someone to really listen to their ideas, thoughts and concerns and together we develop some options.
Are you mainly called upon to help graduates work out what sort of career they are going after or are your clients looking for extended support?
Many clients opt for one of my career programmes – Gold or Silver Plus as a programme will help them to understand themselves and where their talents and strengths lie. I guide them to explore options and narrow down choices. This then takes them into job search, so it is quite extensive. Some clients need more help with job search, in which case they pay for an extra programme but for 80% what is included in the gold programme is sufficient.
Where graduates do come to you for an extended package of support they may have a feeling that this is an admission of weakness, even more so if the parents are paying. How do you counter this?
I have never worked with a client who thinks this is an admission of weakness. Almost all are disappointed that their universities didn’t help them. They want to get it right and most wish they had worked with me before choosing a degree.
What is your philosophy?
Once you know what your natural talents are, what you can do easily, it makes career choice much simpler. Also, people need help; they don’t always know the right thing to do.
Do you find that clients who you work with get results? Are some more successful than others?
Everyone gets a result! For some it can be quite easy, once they know their abilities and themselves the right career path becomes clear. For some the research phase can take much longer than anticipated as their current job takes over and they don’t have the time or energy to explore jobs and undertake job search. It really is a lot of work to get a new job, so they need self motivation. Some get distracted but I don’t give up, I remain in contact for when they are ready to continue.
 Do you find that cost is a problem in the take-up of your services for graduates many students cannot even summon up the commitment to make a free trip to the university careers service?
Some enquirers don’t proceed due to financial costs. About 50% of my graduate clients are paid for by a relative. If cost is an issue I offer individual sessions.
However, costs are relative. At all ages I’ll have potential clients who don’t want to pay for my service but will pay for nights out and foreign holidays. It is partly to do with priorities.
For one 18 year old her Christmas present and birthday present from parents and two sets of grandparents was to go through my Silver Plus programme. She thought it was worth every penny. She is now much clearer on what she wants to study at university and I’m guiding her to get relevant work experience to help her be a success.
To learn more about working with me please get in touch.


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