First week back at work, make it a good one

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Dr Denise Taylor

3 January 2019


For many people this will be the first day back at work after a 2 week Christmas break, and you may find it hard to be motivated.

Let’s think of ways to get you through the day, and you can do this on the days to come

Set some objectives

What do you need to do today and over this week? Take some time to prepare before you get sucked in to tasks and at the end of the day realise your priorities were wrong.

A quick review of your emails

just because you have been on holiday doesn’t mean that others have as well so you may come back to a huge inbox, and before you know it half the day will have gone. So act smart, and anything that will wait, because it is not important and urgent can go into a folder to be read once you have some spare time. Don’t get sidetracked!

Think about time trials

Often we take our time, but when the pressure is on we can often work much faster so if you have a lot to do why not do some ‘sprints’ and work at a brisk pace, not for all day but as you move onto a task, decide how long it should take and see if you can do it quicker.

Review – both at lunch time and the end of the day

It’s worth taking some time out before you go to lunch and think about how the morning went and how you are feeling. If all went well you should be feeling positive so enjoy your lunch. If nit hasn’t gone so well think about whether things were outside your control – if they are then don’t beat yourself up! Better to think about what changes you can make that are in your control. If you have got distracted by the emails in your inbox then this afternoon is a fresh start. Don’t forget to review at the end of the day as well.

Think about your career future

If it’s a busy day today this may have to wait, but schedule some time to think about how happy you are at work and where you would like to be in your career this time next year and also in 3 or 5 years time. Having a plan means you can get focused on things that will help you to achieve them

What will help you get there?

Will this be to

  • Seek out a meeting to discuss your future with your boss?
  • Become more proactive at work and go beyond your job description?
  • Start a course or do some self directed study
  • Seek advice and support from a career coach?

Why not share how your day has gone on my blog, I’ll then reply.

Brought to you by Denise Taylor – One of the top UK career strategists, Denise Taylor, is a double award winning career coach who specialises in career and job search coaching. Her books include ‘Find Work at 50+’ and Now You’ve Been Shortlisted.’ Denise is regularly featured as an expert in the media including The Times, The Sun, Esquire.
If I can help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch –


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