Most people don’t really listen to others. They may appear to be listening but really they are thinking about what they are going to say next.
People think it helps to share their experience and opinion. But consider the impact on the person talking?
Want to try something?
The next time someone starts talking, make sure that you really listen. And do this for 2 minutes.
During this time you can do non verbal things like nods, and making encouraging noises but you can’t
- ask questions
- share your opinion
- tell them about how something similar happened to you
It can be interesting for the listener too, and you may find it a bit of a struggle. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage two minutes, it is something you can work up too.
If you want to read more on listening skills you can read previous blog posts here
So how did you get on? I’d love to hear from you, do leave a comment below.
Image courtesy of Ambro at