If you love music you might like to think about a career in the music industry – this may be through your musical or vocal skills through joining a band but there are lots of jobs associated with the musicians that you might like to consider.
There are some useful details on websites and you might like to look at:
http://musicians.about.com/od/otherindustrycareers/bb/choosecareer.htm and http://musicians.about.com/od/otherindustrycareers/bb/choosemusicjob2.htm
Different options to consider are
- The Pros – You’ll learn lots about the music industry
- The Cons: You might not like the music and you could spend most of your time on fairly routine admin work.
- The Pros: You take a major role in every element of a bands career working with music you love
- The Cons: You might need to spend money up front and when things go wrong you take the blame
- The Pros: The thrill of a successful event, you get to work with bands you love
- The Cons: It can be hard to make money and it can be hard getting people to come to the event
- The Pros: You can help put a show together and work with bands you love
- The Cons: It can be hard to get established as an agent and you may need to work for nothing till you build a name for yourself
I’ve worked with a few clients who tried to make a successful career in the music business but after 10 years or so haven’t made enough money and are consulting me so they can find a job that will enable them to settle down and buy a house. But there will be many people who are making a success of this career path and obviously don’t need to contact me.
If the music trade interests you work out which is your best path, and if you want to talk it through with someone do get in touch.