Understanding your strengths

I’ve always been interested in understanding strengths, both mine and with my clients, one reason I’m a psychologist. Psychometrics can clearly be helpful, in particular using the Highlands Ability Battery to understand natural ability and talent, and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and other personality assessments to understand personality. But we can also identify strengths […]

Fascination Advantage

I’m very interested in what makes us different, how we stand out. We need to play to our strengths and own our differences. For me, the best way to idenitfiy this is through taking The Fascination Advantage. This is short, just 28 questions taking about 5 minutes. The assessment will help you to understand: How […]

The Fascination Advantage

This post isn’t about me. It’s about YOU. Branding expert and leading authority on the science of fascination, Sally Hogshead published her new book How the World Sees You back in July 2014. Many people expect their employer to tell them what they are good at – but it’s not their responsibility to figure you […]

Extraversion – Introversion

This article is one of a series to consider personality. There are many ways to describe personality and one of the key areas is the Extraversion-Introversion continuum. A common view is that an Extrovert is someone outgoing, and an introvert is shy. But there is far more to these terms than this simple difference. Very […]

Should you be a manager?

A typical career path is to start as a team member, whether as a sales associate, PR officer or accountant and then get promoted to team leader, manager and into a more senior role. But is this playing to your strengths? Not all of us are ideally suited to the manager role, but in the […]

The MBTI – are you clear on your type?

Do you love finding out more about yourself? Are you one of the first to complete free quizzes in magazines and online free assessments. They can be useful, helping us to understand more about who we are. But there is a difference between free versions and the far more detailed psychometric assessments you can get […]

The Highlands Ability Battery Feedback Session

The Highlands Ability Battery is the most popular assessment I offer and I get great feedback from clients, just one was disappointed in over 1,000 feedback sessions. I have lots of information on my website, including an introductory video where I give an overview. You can also read much about the assessment on that page […]

Identifying careers using the Holland Codes

Try this out I created it for Total Jobs, it’s a new way of looking at Interests and is based on the work of John Holland. Here’s the link to access a free online assessment, very visual.   The Holland Codes theory loosely states that both people and occupations can be categorised into 6 types: […]

Career choice using the Highlands Ability Battery

Do you feel lost trying to make decisions about your career future? Many people seek help from a career psychologist because they don’t know what career path they should follow.  They’ve tried alone but have not really got anywhere.  They try Looking on jobsites which can lead to overwhelm, there are so many options; Talking […]

The Career Development Cycle

There used to be a typical career path that people would follow, with people joining a company and ‘working their way up’ the organisation over the years, but now people are changing careers more frequently, not always from choice, and more than ever people need to understand how to manage their own career. It’s important, […]