Career choice using the Highlands Ability Battery


Dr Denise Taylor

23 November 2012


Do you feel lost trying to make decisions about your career future?

Many people seek help from a career psychologist because they don’t know what career path they should follow.  They’ve tried alone but have not really got anywhere.  They try

  • Looking on jobsites which can lead to overwhelm, there are so many options;
  • Talking with recruitment consultants which can lead to people doing more of the same, jobs are based on what their CV suggests;
  • Friends, bosses, colleagues make suggestions based on what they know about jobs but this is unlikely to be a comprehensive selection of options;
  • Family advice which can be biased. Many of my clients who are unhappy following a professional route (law, pharmacy, teaching) did so on the basis of advice from parents such as ‘we don’t have a pharmacist in the family’ or a parent had always wanted to be a barrister and sees this being followed by their child as the next best thing.

Even when you have some ideas, are you sure you will be a good match and be able to enjoy the training? Don’t forget there may be options that you have never considered?
I can help people in different ways and one of the most popular is a combination of the Highlands Ability and an extra coaching session.
The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) will assess natural abilities which are fundamental to career choice.  Don’t be constrained by skills gained, you can use the results to move into something much more fulfilling or use this to adapt your current job.

The HAB provides a great deal of depth on your natural abilities. Rather than copy all the information in here, you can read more on my website and also see sample reports and have a practice go.

Alongside the 31 page full colour downloadable report you also get

  • 90+ minute discussion, (recorded so you can listen to it again)
  • MP3 recording of our discussion via a download site
  • Highlands Explored Reference book (41 pages)
  • 1 page of personalised key points
  • Personalised career report

The Career report takes me over an hour to create so is excellent value for money. I carefully compare your results to the 33 classic profiles and list the ones where you are a perfect, or close match and explain the reason why. One of the classic profiles is the Creative Communicator, (see next page). This one is my closest match. I’m using many of these career ideas within my role as a Career Psychologist.

Creative communicator

A high score in Idea Productivity means that you find it easy to quickly generate a large number of ideas.  A high score in Concept Organisation means that you find it easy to take these ideas and organise them into a logical grouping or sequence.
When these abilities are combined it suggests career satisfaction through careers that involves communicating ideas to others.

Typical careers include: Journalist, Public speaker, Advertising copywriter, 6th form teacher, Lawyer, Psychologist, Researcher

 To help you to explore options I have created the Exploring Options eBook with my favorite websites to use, guidance notes and a structure to help you compare. You would do the comparison after our second session.

You then add on an extra hour of coaching. I much prefer this to take place after we’ve discussed the Highlands assessment as we can then build on what we have found out through the highlands assessment, and you can have explored some of these career options so you understand more about what they could entail.
To help you prepare for this session I provide you with a copy of
10 Steps to a Job you love eBook, sold at £10

  • Skills Exercise
  • Work Environment exercise
  • Career drivers exercise.

You can of course add on extra elements such as

But the Highlands Plus choice is a fantastic option and can be just what you need

  • Highlands Ability Battery, with personalised career report
  • Extra hour with extensive pre-work

Reduction for payment in full of £25
Total to pay is £ and you can make payment using this link.
Any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Denise Taylor is a double award winning career coach and Chartered Psychologist with Amazing People, established in 1998. When you are unsure of your career future, need help with job search or seek to improve your presence in an online world, Denise can help. Denise is the author of 7 books including How To Get A Job In A Recession, Now You’ve Been Shortlisted and Fat to Fantastic
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