Career Management and Goals

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Dr Denise Taylor

25 June 2013


Half Way Through the Year, For Effective Career Management, Time to Review Your Goals.


Yesterday was midsummers day, the middle of the year. I only realised late last night reading my newspaper on my iPad. A bit late reading my newspaper as I was focused on work tasks yesterday.


It got me thinking of my goals – career management goals especially. You know the things we probably said to ourselves at the start of the year. I know I wasn’t as clear as I should be, and my goals were a bit vague. I’m always telling people to set SMARTER goals, but I don’t always do what I tell others. I guess I think I’m above that and I don’t need to spell it out. Well I do!

So 6 months on what have you achieved this year, especially related to your career management?

Are you happy with that? Are there things you would have liked to do but they are still vague ideas or on your ‘to do list’.

Fast forward another 6 months, will you be happy if you carry on like you are? How will your decisions affect your career goals?

Reading about it being the middle of the year led to me waking my husband up, he said he was almost asleep but when I get an idea I keep talking and he eventually starts to respond, I think the nudging him awake and asking if he is listening helps with that.

I told him I’m going to make a list of everything I want to complete before we go on holiday at Christmas. I realised he wasn’t really up to a discussion so after a few ‘yes dear’s that sounds very good’ I got my note book and made a list of everything (well not everything but it’s a big last as I’m good at starting projects but as I always want things to be as good as possible I’ve got lots of partly completed projects and today I’m putting time scales on these and working out the order to work on these tasks.


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