Career advice – should I leave my job?

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Dr Denise Taylor

21 November 2012


Many people choose to move to a new job, and they move for different reasons.

Some of them are drawn to the new job. It’s a promotion, it’s in their ideal field, closer to home, more money. But some others decide to leave for reasons to do with their current job.  They want to escape from monotony, too much complexity, difficult colleagues/customers or boss or something else.
This article is linked to the previous one about how to resign.
If you are thinking of moving to a new job, the advice in this article will help you.

Know why you are leaving
Have you outgrown your job, decided you want to specialise in a new area or have you had a fall out with a colleague or feel miffed because you have been passed over for promotion. It can help to talk through the reasons for this with an objective outsider to make sure the same things don’t go wrong again.

Don’t quit on a whim
Think it through.  Make sure you find out everything you can about the new company and location.  The grass is not always greener, and once you have gone its unlikely you will be able to go back.  Many people resign with no job to go to as they feel unfulfilled and think that this will change with a new job.  They can then feel worse when the new job doesn’t live up to their unrealistic expectations.

Don’t threat to leave unless you mean it
You may be offered more money, or the offer of a company car, but you may just be wished well for the future. You don’t want them to call your bluff.

Think about what you do want
Go beyond the job to think about your ideal work and personal environment, and how much money you need for your chosen life style. Some professionals will leave to take on a low level job thinking they will be happier without the pressure of the previous job.  However, not enough job, or working in a menial role with little autonomy creates a different type of stress.

Get the job offer in writing
Too many people act on the strength of a conversation and the paperwork never comes through.  Wait till you get a contract.

Don’t assume
Don’t assume you will easily get a job in a new area. The situation may be more difficult, there could already be a glut of accountants, marketing managers etc in the new city, and employers hate people who have just quit a job.  They think you could do the same with them.

Know your financial situation
Have you worked out how much you need to live on?  If you are not going to another job, will you have enough money to survive for maybe 6 months?

Stop! before you decide to move to the beach or the country
The area may not be the same in winter as when you are on holiday.  Take a holiday in the off season, see what you think of it then. If, e.g., you have decided to be a surfing instructor in Cornwall, find out what sort of work is available in the winter.

Could you have a sabbatical?
The number of companies offering unpaid leave is growing.  Could you take 3 months off to try out a new life style/ career?  After a few months you may realise that the old job has a lot of positive aspects.

So if you are thinking of leaving your job, make sure you understand the reasons why, and in this current economic climate look into any ways you can make your current job more beareable or perhaps find something else within your current organisation.

As always, I’ve written this to be helpful, if it provokes any questions or have a comment to make please make a note or ask a question below.

Denise Taylor is a double award winning career coach and Chartered Psychologist with Amazing People, established in 1998. When you are unsure of your career future, need help with job search or seek to improve your presence in an online world, Denise can help. Denise is the author of 7 books including How To Get A Job In A Recession, Now You’ve Been Shortlisted and Fat to Fantastic
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