Do we still need business cards?

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Dr Denise Taylor

1 December 2017



I met up with Fiona and Caroline recently, and towards the end they handed over business cards.  I didn’t have any on me and it made me think – should I still have them?

I’ve had so many different styles of business cards in the past, and learnt to have text on both sides. More recently I included my photo on my business cards and thought that would help people remember who I am. Having changed my hair colour and moved on from rocking the 1950s look mine don’t reflect who I am.

To me, business cards also seem outdated, when I meet people I look them up on Twitter or LinkedIn and connect with them right away. But is there a need for business cards? I found a Forbes article on this topic and many agree with me

  • You can email people and find them online
  • Being on LinkedIn and especially including a video provides a much richer amount of detail on someone
  • Most people don’t keep a business card, they scan read and either look you up online or bin them
  • Using business cards can make you look a bit old fashioned, although in an online world maybe it’s good to be different!


  • A business card can be a physical reminder and make it easy to find someone when we can have hundreds of online connections
  • Business cards can be shared if they stand out in a good way
  • Business cards can show your brand and style – good if its on high quality paper and nicely styled, not so if cheap and flimsy to the touch
  • Employees like them as they feel valued and part of an organisation


So, what about you? Do your business cards stand out in a good way, are they so wonderful people would want to keep them or are they a bit bland and blah and don’t really portray your brand?

And what do you do when you get a business card? I had a special case and used to file them away, but no longer.

And read what other people think via this article on the Forbes website



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