10 Ways to Fall in Love with Your Job Again

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Dr Denise Taylor

9 July 2014


1. Do More of What You Enjoy Most
Consider what you enjoy most in your job and look for opportunities to do more of this type of work. You can let others know of your interests and this may lead to opportunities to  collaborate, possibly on a project. Also think about your colleagues, what do they enjoy, most? It may be some of what you do so you could delegate – a win-win!
2. Get Organized
How would you like to have an extra week next year to devote on tip 1? Being organised can help you to eliminate or reduce the time you spend on less productive (and less satisfying) tasks and doing this can easily save 10-15 minutes a day.
3. Set Goals
If we have a bigger focus we can set goals for the short and longer term. Think about what you want to achieve this week, month and year. Many enjoy qriting them down to give the satisfaction of ticking these off as something achieved.Setting and acgieving goals can lead to be personal fulfilment for you, and impress your boss too!
4. Learn to Say “No”
You don’t have to say “yes” to everything. Is it really valuable to attend a meeting, especially if there is travel involved? If you need to attend could it just be for your topic area rather than the full meeting? Could you send a report? And say “no” to tasks, don’t let people flatter you into saying yes. Better to say you need to check your diary and get back to someone rather than agree right away. When you look at your diary, don’t just consider the meetings etc but also the time you need to complete tasks you have to do. The more time you free up by saying no, the easier you will complete your work tasks and the more time you can spend doing what you really want to do.
5. Find Meaning and Significance in What You Do
Think about how your job relates to the strategic goals/ big picture of your organisation. You are not just crunching numbers to complete a weekly report there should be a purpose to it, find out what it is.There’s a great story of two bricklayers. When asked what he was building, the first replied, “a brick wall.” When asked the same question, the second bricklayer said, “I’m building a cathedral.”
6. Don’t Let Minor Niggles Stress You Out

We can all get stressed if we let it, but many minor niggles are outside of our control. What are the hot buttons that get to you? Make a note of what stresses you, consider if you can do anything about it and if not let it go. Mindfulness and meditation can help in this area. You can deal with stress on a journey by leaving home earlier or by using the time to read a self development book if you are on public transport or listen to an audio book or your favorite music if you are driving.
7. Be Enthusiastic (and spend time with others who are)
Dale Carnegie is noted as saying, “If you act enthusiastic, you’ll be enthusiastic.” Enthusiasm will help you to build confidence in yourself and earn the confidence of others. If you have a reputation for enthusiasm, you’re more likely to be asked to participate in challenging projects and assignments.
8. Spend More Time With Positive Role Models

Who in your office seems to really enjoy – and excel – at their work? What can you learn from them? People who like coming to work radiate positiveness and their spirit can be infectious. Let their energy rub off on you. Anthony Robbins has spoken about modelling from others so look to see what changes you can make. Spend too much time with negative people and it will bring you down.
9. CelebrateSmall Wins

Don’t wait till the end of your project to celebrate, set yourself steps along the way and celebrate achievements. You can also look for opportunities to help others to celebrate their wins and achievements. Give positive feedback to others.
10. Keep a List of Your Accomplishments
Keep a list of your achievements so you can refer to them again, I used to keep a list in my handbag, nowadays a list on my phone is good. Whenever we feel a bit down we can look at this list to remind us of how successful we have been, and can be again. It will also be helpful to show your boss at your next performance review and to keep your CV updated.
Brought to you by Denise Taylor, career coach and chartered psychologist with Amazing People. Denise is regularly featured as an expert in the press and is the author of 7 books including ‘How To Get A Job In A Recession’

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