The rules of job search

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Dr Denise Taylor

9 December 2014


Job search is a game, and you need to know the rules.

When most people start job search, they register with agencies and on line job search sites, read through newspapers, looking for something that catches their eye, send off their CV and then wonder why they don’t get short-listed. They don’t understand the job search rules..
Rule 1: Agencies are not interested in you unless they can get you into a job. They aren’t there to find the right job for you, but to place you in a job so they get their commission. It’s a transaction and as long as you are clear on this you won’t raise your expectations too high.
Rule 2: Your CV is a selling document, and it needs to sell you into the job you seek. Bland and unfocused CVs will not grab the recruiter’s attention.
Rule 3: Expect rejection. It’s rare to get the first job that you go for, so you need to be able to pick yourself up and apply again, but also to review your performance, find out how you did and how you can improve.
Rule 4: Be proactive. Don’t just wait for a job to be advertised, that means you are competing against many. Instead once you are clear on the job you are looking for, approach companies direct and ‘network’ (which just means talking with people who may be able to help) to find the jobs before they are advertised.
Rule 5: Get expert help. Whilst you can glean information from various job sites and learn from experience, how much is all this learning costing you? Wouldn’t it be easier to learn from an expert? How long would it take to learn to drive without an expert instructor? The money spent on job search support can result in better clarity over your job search campaign, a better financial package and a new job months sooner than doing it alone.
If you need help with your job search please get in touch. In the meantime you may be interested in this free 5 day series.

Get A Job Faster – A free 5 day programme

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If you need a job, you will find my book – How To Get A Job In A Recession incredibly valuable and it comes with masses of downloadable free resources. I’ve a mini site with more details on the book here.


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